<p>Okay, so im a freshman in High School.And im just ending my 1st semester, my grades were not so good.They were:
Health: B+
Religion: B
Biology1: A
Adv Algebra: B
Adv. Spanish1: C</p>
<p>I go to a private college prep school so we have a 5 point grade scale. Also I play basketball, if that helps any. My top school is NC state and I really want to go there, to become a Veterinary Neurlogist. And I feel like my chances are ruined since my GPA will be so low :( Help please!!</p>
<p>Don’t worry! I’m not sure about NC State but lots of schools don’t even look at freshman grades. Others as long as they see a good upward trend (work hard from this point on) will disregard those grades. Also for NC State, you don’t need the best grades. Just work hard in school, and start studying for those SATS or ACTs now and you’ll do fine!</p>
<p>Don’t worry about it! It’s just your first semester so far- you still have pretty much the whole of high school to go. Just make sure that in the next semester and your next 3 years you get good grades. You’ll be fine 
And yes, playing basketball will help, but unless your nationally ranked, put studies ahead of ECs. If you can succeed in both, that’s what will really make colleges want you.</p>
<p>It is just your freshman year and your grades are not bad at all. If you know you’re smart enough for this college and you bring up your grades, you have no reason to worry.</p>
<p>Thanks so much everyone, it really keeps me motivated and helps my nerves to calm down a bit!</p>