<p>I am a senior and taking AP Euro. It is one of the most boring history classes I have ever taken. Every class, I desperately want to go to sleep but I know that I can't. I find it impossible to do the homework, because its so boring and tedious and rather useless. I'm doing really well in the class (95 - first quarter average) but I can barely stay awake. Its not that the teacher is easy, in fact she is quite the opposite. Also, the people in my class are incredibly boring as well. Does anyone have any advice? I can't keep falling asleep in class! Although, personally I don't see what the problem is with sleeping because of my average.</p>
<p>Read an AP Euro book in class (preferably a prep book). She shouldn't have a problem with you learning on your own. I hated APUSH (I dropped out), but liked the AMSCO prep book because I learned so much more so much faster. Maybe (hopefully) it'll be the same for you in AP Euro.</p>
<p>I have two prep books: Cliffs and MEH plus I outline the textbook. I really love history, its just that I hate learning about kings and wars. Maybe its because of the way she presents it.</p>
<p>Check my son's website out at <a href="http://www.hankshistoryhour.com/%5B/url%5D">http://www.hankshistoryhour.com/</a></p>
<p>He has done this especially to keep up the interest in AP Euro. The site provides a podcast for each chapter of the course. He reviews the entire outline of each chapter and also adds in interesting sideline stories that make the course more interesting. Check it out and hopefully it will help your apnia in class.</p>
<p>I dowloaded the podcasts, and they are quite entertaining. Its not that I find the topics that boring, its just the way my teacher teaches them.</p>
<p>Yeah it must be your teacher because last year I had a blast in AP Euro.</p>
<p>Why torture yourself by taking that class!!!! Take a better AP !!!!</p>
<p>There aren't any that fit my schedule, plus, I am already taking AP French Lang, AP french Lit and AP Latin. I find my euro teacher to be quite pendantic.</p>
<p>I'm bored to death in AP Euro, too! But my teacher sucks... and we never learn... and so I have a 98. I sleep. :) It won't kill you, if the teacher likes you well enough.</p>
<p>oh jeez. I'm with you...sort of.</p>
<p>I love the subject matter of European history, but the classes are sooooo tedius and boring. I learn nothing in class!</p>
<p>I find getting class discussions going is very enlightning and entertaining. I've done this in AP Euro, APUSH, and AP English. Get the whole class engaged and you will find a multitude of interesting people, and it will help you learn the material. Ask hard and controversial questions if you can.</p>
<p>^ good point. I think that the problem is the lack of class discussion. I tend to ask hard and controversial questions but often my teacher just goes on a rant or the people in the class roll their eyes at me. The people in my class are incredibly boring and have zero intellectual curiousity. Last year my APUSH class was amazing. We always had amazing class discussions. I think its due to the size difference. There are about 12 people in my Euro class, whereas, there was about 22-22 people in my APUSH class.</p>
<p>alas you guys just go to easy schools that don't challenge you :[</p>
<p>Actually I go to a top NYC private school. My AP Euro teacher has a doctorate from Columbia. The reason why I have a 95, is not because its an easy class, rather I am extremely good at multiple choice. The problem for me is that there are not enough intellectual people in my school. They are smart, but not intellectual.</p>
<p>My school challenges you in most classes... there are just some (i.e. AP Euro and APES) that are considered the APs for people who don't get into the harder APs. My AP Bio teacher (who, sadly, retired last year) was notoriously difficult, but an AMAZING teacher. I think in the year when I took it (2006, my soph. year), out of the 51 kids in AP Bio, 48 got 5's, and the other 3 who got 4's were all seniors who didn't bother to study.</p>
<p>La montagne: what school do you come from? There is no way any teacher in my school would prep students that well, let alone have nearly a 95% 5 rating.</p>
<p>sorry guys.. just ****ed off about school :[ didn't mean it like that :/</p>
<p>listen to HANK'S HISTORY HOUR!!! it helps me so much because i usually daydream in euro. hank is so much more interesting than my teacher who expects us to teach ourselves anyway. i just listen to hank, take notes and then before the test listen to him again. it really helps auditory learners like me. thanks to him I have an A+ in that class.</p>
<p>actually la montague.. make sense. my teacher preps the class very well.. everyone gets at least a 3</p>