Help!! im clueless about the Interview

<p>Can anyone please help me prepare for my princeton interview? i have it in two weeks!! How should i prep for it?</p>

<p>My son’s interview was good. He met the interviewer at a coffee shop, and took a resume. S had visited the school before and had a good idea of what he wanted to pursue there, which helped a lot. He was asked to expound on activities that may not have been highlighted on the application that he felt were important. They ended up talking a lot about a school project S was working on. It went well. It was similar to his Yale interview in that respect. Good luck!</p>

<p>thank you.</p>

<p>Yeah, I had an interview last week. Don’t sweat it just answer honestly and ask questions.</p>

<p>The interview isn’t really that big of a part of the admissions process. It’ll most likely be in a home or a coffee shop and he’ll just ask some really basic questions like what are your passions, what do you like about Princeton, yadda yadda. What you should do is pore over the Princeton website so you can ask educated questions about Princeton.</p>