<p>Hi! (: I know I'm far too late to submit any applications to the amazing schools out there in the world...but I was hoping next year I could possibly transfer out.</p>
<p>I currently go to a top-ranked public high school. It's college preparatory and all that, and while it's a great environment for a lot of people, it's...not for me. I have a genuine passion for learning. Excuse my nerdiness. x) And it's sorta frustrating seeing classmates focusing so readily on great grades and a top-notch curriculum vitae, but never the knowledge. I really hope my future campus will have innovating teachers and self-motivated students. I'm not even sure if that exists, but I can dream! Aha.</p>
<p>This school in general frustrates me. I'm not happy here. So my parents told me I could only leave to something better (which definitely isn't my home high school).</p>
<p>This is going to sound contradicting, but I have semi-poor grades (A's, B's? I think I had a C thrown in or something). I was fine with it (I know, the horror) but I've acknowledged that it's not stellar. I don't turn in homework or study for tests etc etc. So I don't know how I'm going to get accepted into any academically rigorous prep school. </p>
<p>I don't even know where to start.
I'd appreciate any help at all, I seriously would. I feel so trapped here I'm about to burst. </p>
<p>thanks! Sorry for the tl;dr T__T</p>
<p>If you’re really serious about entering prep schools, you should get those grades up. The schools will ask for your fall grades and possible grades before that, so while you can’t undo the damage, you can attempt to reconcile it by getting great grades in the fall. I respect that you care about actually learning, which is a rare thing nowadays. However, if you really want to go to a different school, you need to start doing homework and taking tests. That’s part of the learning process, and you should accept that with open arms. When it comes time for the application, I suggest that you write about your passion for learning, so that the schools might understand why your grades were down. Good luck!</p>
<p>do your best no worries. i was admitted to top tier schools (HADES whatever nonsense u want to call them) with a 3.5 which includes two or three cs</p>
<p>Maybe you’re being facetious, but since you asked…</p>
<p>if you don’t turn in homework or study for tests and have average to mediocre grades out of a public school you’re chances of going to a “great” school are low. The school is going to have to vouch that you DO turn in your homework consistently, and the schools will be looking for signs of maturity, proactivity, and that you take your coursework seriously. Not over one year when you are trying to apply, but over the long term (which is why some also ask to see your middle school transcript).</p>
<p>I would start with schools that take a high percentage of their applicants. Consider if you need financial aid because that’s going to make your application harder to support if you’ve been a weak student up until now. And then remember that the workload at BS is going to be 10 times harder than what you are facing right now. Which is why - if you can’t get consistently good grades at your current school, the BS are going to bypass your application in favor of a student whose application shows they’re ready to take on that challenge.</p>
<p>Much, much thanks!
I am being really silly, and I apologize for that, but I’m very serious about attending a BS. I’m not worried about the workload; my school counselors verified that our homework should take us about five hours a night. x) </p>
<p>Sorry. I really did rant a lot and I know it made me sound pathetic. I was desperately searching for the edit button afterwards, believe me…LOL but I’ll try to get my grades up as much as possible! </p>
<p>But much thanks to all three of you!
Ahh I appreciate it so much. ^^</p>