<p>I needed to inquire sth very important and vital to me. I am a Bangladeshi Senior High school student and i'll be taking a year gap after I am done with my high school. I was planning to apply this following December. But at the end of the next December( Dec 2014) I will be getting my US Permanent Residency Card. I needed to know that will I be getting my privileges after I get my PR card, meaning my grants and loans and other advantages thru my financial aid of the leverage of being a permanent resident from my 2nd year at college? </p>
<p>I needed a really urgent reply as I will be applying based on your answers. Plz help me out! :(</p>
<p>Once you have a green card, you will be eligible to apply for federally determined financial aid using the FAFSA. This means that you will be able to borrow federal loans, and if your family income is low enough, you will qualify for the Pell Grant.</p>
<p>To be perfectly honest, your best financial aid package will be if you can start college as a resident. Think that through.</p>
<p>b@r!um who posts often in the International Student Forum has been through this process. Once you have enough posts to send a PM, contact her directly for advice.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>I will already be taking a year gap. and if i wait for the green card, i will have to skip another year( which means i will have to start college in 2015) isnt it gonna be too late to start off and wont the colleges be asking wat was i doing all this year?</p>
<p>It is never “too late” to start college. Don’t worry about that! Provided you are doing something useful with your time off it will be OK.</p>
<p>Answer me on last thing. Wat do you actually mean wen u say “something useful” ? wat can be counted as something useful? like doing an internship anywhere? or sth like that?</p>
<p>Get a job and make money.
Manage your family home so that your parents can be the ones making money.
Volunteer or pursue an internship.
Look after younger siblings and/or aging elders.
Teach yourself computer programming/cooking/carpentry/auto mechanics/another skill.</p>
<p>In other words, there is no specific thing that is “something useful”. When you do apply to college, you will need something to put in all of those essays, and you will want an answer in case anyone asks “What did you do between finishing high school and now.” You don’t have to save the world. </p>
<p>Your situation is particularly challenging. You are expecting to have your green card by a certain date (and you also have to remember that that is never a sure thing), which means that paying for your education might be significantly easier if you wait to begin your studies after you get the green card. However, costs go up every year. And, if when you do get here you don’t have a specific state of residence, you will be facing out-of-state tuition and fees no matter where you study. If you begin your studies in the country where you currently reside, you will lose the chance to apply as a freshman when you get here. Etc.</p>
<p>What are your grades and test scores like, and what type of college/university are you targeting? If your goal is to do two years at the community college that is closest to wherever you end up taking up residence once you move to the US, and then to transfer into a local college/university your plan of attack will be very different than if you are only interested in applying to Top Something institutions.</p>
<p>Thnx for the reply happymomof1. I will be having the residency of Florida. And yes I still dont know the date or time of wen I will be getting my Green card bt hopefully it will be sometime around next year(2014) June. So, will I have to start college in 2015? and I am planning to Study Aerospace engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at Daytona Beach. </p>
<p>And I am studying A levels (High school) which is under british council. My Grades are Chemistry- B , Physics- B and Maths-A* . So, wat wud be my GPA score ? And I dnt intend to any sorts of community college. So wat wud be my attack plans if I wanna go somewhere top ? Nd i will be giving my SAT’s and SAT subject tests this year Oct, Nov and Dec. Plz answer some of my above questions plz
<p>First, you will “take” the SAT or ACT and possibly the TOEFL. In the US, students take exams. Teachers give exams.</p>
<p>There is no guarantee that you will be admitted at Embry Riddle, so you need to have some other options on your application list. Run a search if Embry Riddle has its own sub-forum. The people there may be able to help you evaluate your chain of admission.</p>
<p>Another good resource for you is the EducationUSA advising center in your country. Read through the information at <a href=“http://www.EducationUSA.state.gov%5B/url%5D”>www.EducationUSA.state.gov</a> and follow the links to find the closest Advising Center.</p>
<p>Paying for college in the US is a huge challenge for almost everyone. You need to find out how much your parents can pay each year, so that you can look for affordable schools.</p>