<p>I have my admissions interview tomorrow with an alumi and was wondering what types of questions they'd ask me?
Also, what are some interesting Princeton facts?</p>
<p>i actually just had my princeton interview a few hours ago. It went really really really well… we talked for an entire hour - and it was more of a conversation then just me sitting there talking about my interests/extracurrics/nonsense – we talked about the economy for a little, my music stuff, and sports. Basically the only real q’s were: Why Princeton/What do you see yourself doing in the future…
- Interesting princeton fact: check the website.</p>
<p>Good LUCK!!</p>
<p>They will interrogate you for 2 hours on obscure Princeton trivia.</p>
<p>jk! Just relax, and be yourself. Be natural.</p>
<p>is it a bad thing if you have not yet been contacted by princeton for an interview</p>
<p>Thanks so much!!!</p>
<p>They’re not that bad at all. I actually enjoyed mine quite a bit. I’ve done WUSTL, Vanderbilt, Harvard, and now Princeton, and I enjoyed all of them except Vanderbilt. It was really relaxed, took about an hour, and we talked about books, my internship, things like that. Didn’t even want to know about my test scores and all that stuff which I thought was cool. He was like “Oh, Princeton already has all that, I just want to get to know you as a person.”</p>
<p>Just chill out when you do these interviews, be yourself, and be honest and it’ll go great.</p>
<p>My D is also waiting for an interview. And because we live in miami( big city) i think is strange that nobody yet contacted her! bad sign? anyway Princeton is also a dream…</p>
<p>Princeton doesn’t assign interviews based on the quality of your application. Don’t worry if you have yet to be contacted. It is no reflection of your chances.</p>
<p>My D got contacted today for an interview tomorrow ! she is very anxious…</p>