HELP!!! It's crunch time and I don't feel like crunching!!!

<p>So I have this HUUUGGGGEEEEE algebra paper that's due on tuesday. It was assigned nearly two weeks ago, but I haven't started yet.</p>

<p>I have to do an "outline" and possibly a rough draft, and then write the whole thing. I'm sure as **** not doing it tonight, and I'm too busy tomorrow because I have a beauty pagaent.</p>

<p>I'm seriously freaking out and I just want to go to bed and never wake up.</p>

<p>What do I do?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!</p>


<p>I have two questions…</p>

<p>An algebra paper?</p>


<p>A Beauty Pagent?</p>

<p>■■■■■ cc obviosly</p>

<p>^ L O L!!! haha</p>

<p>EDIT: i was talking to musicallylatin</p>

<p>…An Algebra paper?</p>

<p>“X is called a variable. x+3 means three more than the value of x. If x+3=9, you subtract three from both sides of the equation to narrow x down to itself. Sometimes algebra gets more complicated than this, however. X^3 means than you have to multiply x times itself three times, or how ever many times corresponding to the number after the ^ thing. When you learn about logarithms and everything passed that, it is no longer worth your time to pay attention in algebra class. A=Pe^rt. Algebra began a long time ago and it’s dumb. To support my argumest, a^2+b^2=c^2. In conclusion, y=mx+b and algebra involves a coordinate plane.”</p>

<p>What the HELL is an algebra paper?</p>



<p>I’m wondering the same exact thing.</p>

<p>I just lol’d pretty hard too.</p>

<p>I have a 30 page chapter to read and outline as well as a paper. It’s midnight. I’m up to page 10.</p>

<p>I must know what an Algebra paper is OP. And if you are ■■■■■■■■ you are one weird ■■■■■.</p>

<p>I still really want to know what this algebra paper is all about.</p>

<p>Is it like the history of algebra? I can’t think of anything else it could be.</p>

<p>I know the precalc class at my school this year was required to do a project about some mathmatical probibility and present their findings to the class…</p>

<p>Maybe it’s like that…</p>

<p>^ doesnt have actual sentences and paragraphs, does it?</p>

<p>its about functions</p>

<p>Once again, get a bottle of shampoo and drink it. It’ll produce great results.</p>



<p>Wow. That’s all I have to say. :)</p>

<p>The OP is planning to attend UIUC or Emory. Hehe.</p>

<p>OP isn’t a ■■■■■. But still an odd one in our sea of non-odd ones… I don’t know.</p>

<p>Algebra paper…</p>

<p>Biography of Gauss?
History of e?
A discussion of the applications of systems of equations?</p>

<p>Don’t do the paper and take the zero. Zeroes really aren’t that detrimental to your grade. ;]</p>

<p>0 = nothing, therefore it doesn’t exist and doesn’t affect your grade :O</p>