<p>Omg guys,
I realized after submitting the app that i forgot to include the colleges of my parents (left that part black by accident) ALSO, I accidentally listed a parent as "HS Graduate" BUT IT SHOULD'VE BEEN "COLLEGE GRADUATE" </p>
<p>WHAT SHOULD I DO???????? i dont wan't them to penalize me for "lying". it was a mistake!
<p>pleeeaaaseeee help me. my school counselor is useless</p>
<p>hahah wow, strangely, something similar happened to me this morning too. i listed both parents as HS graduates but filled in the college for one parent. and THEN i realized i forgot to include somethign in the activities log. anyway. call admissions. im doing that too. i think they’re offfice open hours are monday-friday from 9-5</p>
<p>don’t worry about it. They only use that section for statistical purposes ( hence it being optional), and do not consider it in the admission review. Anyway, they wouldn’t really care enough to check , as it is you, not your parents who they are admitting. I advise that you not call them, as they are probably quite busy right now, and you calling would be a distraction from more important issues.</p>