Help me....=[ (accepted from waitlist)

<p>Oh man the last two hours have been crazy.</p>

<p>It turns out Union college just took me off their waitlist and is giving a 30K scholarship nearly matching SUNY Geneseo.</p>

<p>I purposely applied to both as my top choices only because I was expecting to be rejected from both and if I was lucky getting into one. I had not even thought it was possible for me to get accepted to both schools.</p>

<p>Only now I have tow days to decide. =( I'm almost in tears because I got so excited about Geneseo but now i'm not sure which to pick as I loved both schools.</p>

<p>Price wise they are about the same and with a private my dad doesn't have to worry about moving out of state. Also Union is really close to my house so for both those reasons my parents are very excited and want me to attend.</p>

<p>Geneseo is in such a beautiful setting with a strong science and bio program and it was my top choice so I just don't know. My best friend just got accepted off the waitlist at Geneseo too so we were both pretty excited to be going together and I just don't know. Loved both schools and each has something to offer. </p>

<p>They're both fairly well known I think but yeah i'm so confused right now, at Union my parents are happy, at Geneseo my friend and I are happy, i'd be happy both places but I don't know which to go with. Logic says Union but some X factor keep making me want Geneseo and I just don't know.</p>

<p>I would go where ever YOU want to go.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know that is what's most important but i'm still unsure. Mostly because both schools appealed to me a lot. I got this immediate feeling of seeing myself at both those schools so i'm afraid i'd miss out on one school by choosing the other.</p>

<p>Geneseo was very hard for me to get into and i'd hate to pass up a chance to attend, at the same time Union gave a very generous offer which would be hard to turn down. No one can decide for me of course, but i'm definitely a little confused right now.</p>

<p>There will be lots of thinking the next couple days. I guess it'll just come down to pros and cons. Thanks though =]</p>

<p>Can you sit down and write a list of 3 pros for Union, 3 for Geneseo? </p>

<p>One I would not forget is that Union has a well established alum network.</p>

<p>You should ignore what college your friends/parents want you to go to and just see what is the best fit for you. What has the programs you need, what has the dorms you like, the job network you like. All of these things are the things that matter because your parents will love you no matter where you go and your friends will be your friends wherever you go. Just because you go to a different school doesn't mean that you have to stop being friends, and just because you'd go to the same school, doesn't mean you'd stay friends, know what I mean?</p>


<p>That actually makes perfect sense. = ]
The situation is that I really did like both schools, they were two top choices and I had hoped to get into one. Surprisingly I managed both but now it has come down to picking among them. Initially I made sure both had great sciences and a nice campus so i'd be very happy at either.
What worries me is that now i'll make my decision for some very pointless reason because all the important things like academics and campus life are pretty good at both.</p>

<p>Like kayf suggested I tried the pros and cons but it got a little complicated.</p>

<p>For a pre-med Union is the most logical choice. Nice tuition, small classes, tons of research opportunities in the urban setting and i'm familiar with the area/school. Definately my chances of success are high here and I wouldn't mind going.</p>

<p>However with Geneseo there was this odd sense of community I had there, the student body/atmosphere appealed to me a lot, but that and a gut feeling are all I have to go by and I don't know if I should trust it.
With the distance from home and rigorous program i'd definitely be making some sacrifices with Geneseo, yet i'd be willing to do that to attend. </p>

<p>Planning on making another visit to Union and see if I can interact with their students. Thanks for the help guys, any more advice or opinions are welcome.</p>


<p>You have two great choices. I can relate to what you said about feeling an immediate sense of community at Geneseo. I felt the same way the first time I visited the campus. </p>

<p>I had a great experience at Geneseo and don't know too much about Union. </p>

<p>Remember you are spending 4 years of your life at either one of these schools. Go to the school that you feel most comfortable with. </p>

<p>If you are not sold on one of the schools for whatever reason I wouldn't try to convince yourself that it is the right choice. Go with what feels right. </p>

<p>Both are good schools.</p>

<p>if you are going on a pre-med track, take into consideration the difficulty of courses. med schools don't care where you went for undergrad school...they care about how well you do there. i know geneseo's bio program is very very tough and many kids drop out. i'm not sure about union's, so that is up to you. basically, where would you think you would get the best gpa while still getting the best education.</p>

<p>One thing to consider is that if Union is offering you 30K for all four years, this is most likely a one time offer – you may not receive such a scholarship should you want to transfer to Union another year. Geneseo’s costs will remain in the same range for the coming years and you could transfer in later on and not feel as though you lost anything financially. Of course, two great schools and wherever you feel is best for you – good luck with your decision!</p>

<p>Med schools do care about where you go all other things being equal. For example a 3.8 from let’s say SUNY Geneseo carries more weight than a 3.8 from SUNY Oswego. Med schools and veteriinary med schools “tier” schools. If you are from a tier 3 (like Oswego) you need to do much better (like 4.0) than you do from a tier 1 like Cornell.</p>

<p>I would pick Union if you like both. SUNY is getting hammered by the NYS budget woes and there won’t be much improvement for years. If your parents get transferred out of state you will really get hammered by the out of state SUNY tuition.</p>

<p>I doubt the 30K scholarship is a one-time only deal. Union usually offer merit and need-based scholarships good for all four years as long as the student remains in good academic standing (which may mean maintaining a certain GPA). However, it is something you certainly want to get clarified before making the final decision (which, judging by the date of your original post, you have already done).</p>

<p>Ebeneer – is that right that if parents leave state you lose in-state tuition – I thought students who graduated from NY state HS and had X (forget number) of years at the HS received in-state regardless of where parents lived.</p>

<p>You would probably grandfather in and keep the in state. Definitely would ask and want it in writing. Depends on what your legal residence is. Might also affect NYS TAP too. Check this website for all the legalities: [Residency</a>, Establishment of for Tuition Purposes](<a href=“]Residency”></p>

<p>^ Great link, thanks Ebenezer, if it’s true I can keep tuition same then that’s one more pro for Geneseo. xD</p>



<p>You have two great choices. I can relate to what you said about feeling an immediate sense of community at Geneseo. I felt the same way the first time I visited the campus.</p>

<p>I had a great experience at Geneseo and don’t know too much about Union.</p>

<p>Remember you are spending 4 years of your life at either one of these schools. Go to the school that you feel most comfortable with.</p>

<p>If you are not sold on one of the schools for whatever reason I wouldn’t try to convince yourself that it is the right choice. Go with what feels right.</p>

<p>Both are good schools.


Thanks Geneseograd as usual you have some very insightful advice. I got a similar sense of home at Union but after being waitlisted and doing the overnight at Geneseo the idea of being at home in Geneseo definitely grew on me more. So I could definitely feel fairly comfortable at both but Geneseo had its influence on me for a longer period of time and I can’t seem to see myself not going there at this point. I don’t know if that’s because Geneseo is better for me, or just that I spent more time there recently and that I should atleast give Union a chance. </p>


if you are going on a pre-med track, take into consideration the difficulty of courses. med schools don’t care where you went for undergrad school…they care about how well you do there. i know geneseo’s bio program is very very tough and many kids drop out. i’m not sure about union’s, so that is up to you. basically, where would you think you would get the best gpa while still getting the best education.


Well Union would definitely suit me better for pre-med. Just the smaller class sizes alone and the supportive networks would probably mean I could get better grades and more opportunities but I know if I am motivated enough it shouldn’t matter where I do pre-med. Only question is could I cut it at Geneseo or is Union really the safer choice…</p>


One thing to consider is that if Union is offering you 30K for all four years, this is most likely a one time offer – you may not receive such a scholarship should you want to transfer to Union another year. Geneseo’s costs will remain in the same range for the coming years and you could transfer in later on and not feel as though you lost anything financially. Of course, two great schools and wherever you feel is best for you – good luck with your decision!


Hmm…this is a big factor, my dad told me not to pick the school on terms of me transferring but to choose the one I plan on staying at for 4 years. I mean I really don’t want to have to transfer but going from Union to Geneseo might be easier to do. I don’t know if Geneseo would except me again as a transfer though. It was hard getting in the first time.</p>

[QUOTE=Ebenezer ]

Med schools do care about where you go all other things being equal. For example a 3.8 from let’s say SUNY Geneseo carries more weight than a 3.8 from SUNY Oswego. Med schools and veteriinary med schools “tier” schools. If you are from a tier 3 (like Oswego) you need to do much better (like 4.0) than you do from a tier 1 like Cornell.


This was a big point of my discussion actually, I know both are good schools but everyone i’ve asked are telling me to go to Union. They say it has the more well known name and etc…but Geneseo is so selective and rigorous…so I don’t know why it’s not looked at as highly or as well named.
I worked really hard this year just so I could get in to Geneseo but all of a sudden everyone is telling me that Union will be more recognized by grad schools and outside institutions just because it’s not a SUNY even though they weren’t as selective. =/</p>

<p>If med schools do weigh in GPA, I don’t know if they’ll realize how good/rigorous Geneseo is and they might look more highly at Union…even though one seems to have a bigger work load. Everyone tells me Union would look better but I’m having a hard time accepting that. Which is the biggest issue.


I doubt the 30K scholarship is a one-time only deal. Union usually offer merit and need-based scholarships good for all four years as long as the student remains in good academic standing (which may mean maintaining a certain GPA). However, it is something you certainly want to get clarified before making the final decision (which, judging by the date of your original post, you have already done).


<p>I actually called Union and they gave me a few more days, I am making a visit to sit in on a Bio class tomorrow and on thursday i’ll be walking around the campus. They’ve been very good about letting me visit and things and i’m hoping once I go back and get to see some students and classes it’ll be clear which school I want to attend. I’m afraid i’ll like Union though, in which case i’m back to square one and won’t be able to decide. </p>

<p>Thank you so much for the support and advice guys, i’ve been checking this thread daily and it’s been a great help. Especially the last few days where I also had two AP exams to worry about. I’ll update and let you guys know how the visits are. =]</p>

<p>zeppelinpage4: You really do have two great choices. Just remember grad schools do know of Geneseo and the rigour of the programs there. I don’t think you need to worry about that.</p>

<p>Ebenezar - thanks for the link – off- topic, but I hope the following isnt there ONLY to help illegal immigrants.</p>

<li> Certain non-resident students may be eligible for the resident tuition rate if they meet the following requirements:</li>

<p>are not non-immigrant aliens within the meaning of 8 USC §1101(a)(15), and</p>

<p>attended an approved New York State high school for two or more years, graduated from an approved New York State high school and applied for admission to the University within five years of receiving a New York State high school diploma; or</p>

<p>attended an approved New York State program for a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) exam preparation, received a GED and applied for admission to the University within five years of receiving the GED; and</p>

<p>if the student is without lawful immigration status, the student submits to the campus a notarized affidavit stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file such an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so. (See NYS Education Law §355(h) (8)).</p>

<p>You sound like you’re really stressing over this. Try to enjoy the fact that you got into your two top choices and one offered you a generous package. Take a week or two to decide and revisit both. If Union won’t give you two weeks to make such an important decision, screw them!</p>

<p>As far as which is better known, well I’ve lived in NYS for almost 50 years and never heard of Union. I am familiar with Geneseo and was impressed. I wish it was closer to our home on Long Island.</p>

<p>Even if your parents moved out of NYS, the jump in tuition is only about $8000. I know 8K might sound like a lot, but SUNYs are a real bargain for out of state people.</p>

<p>Your “scholarship” is probably an aid package. If it’s linked to maintaining a certain GPA, you better find out what that GPA is. It could be taken away next year, and then what?</p>

<p>With Geneseo you know what the costs are and will be. And there will probably be more money left over from mom and dad or loans for medical school.</p>

<p>Yeah i’m trying not to let the costs affect my decision too much, this would be my last day to choose and i’m still a little iffy but I think I know where I want to go. </p>

<p>Only one question, how are the research opportunities at Geneseo? Is study abroad fairly accessible? I’ve been told not many students get to take advantage of those opportunities since it’s not very available.
The only thing standing between me and Geneseo right now is the research opportunities and alum connections which Union has. </p>

<p>I made a quantified list of pros and cons and Geneseo pretty much one out in terms of “fit”, when I took those “fit” factors such as location/student body out, Union had more pros.</p>

<p>The study abroad program is pretty comprehensive. I know many students that took advantage of the Oxford program to complete Geneseo’s humanities requirement. </p>

<p>[View</a> Programs by Country](<a href=“]View”></p>

<p>As for undergraduate research I am surprised to hear students saying it is not available. Did you speak with someone from the Bio department?</p>