<p>Does anyone know anything specifically about Vassar's Literature department?
I visited yesterday and it exceeded my expectations (even though the admissions receptionist was kind of unhelpful...). I fell completely in love with it! The architecture, the Afro-Am department....but anyway, It would be amazing if it had a strong Creative Writing program, but I haven't heard anything specifically about it.
If anyone does that would be awesome in my descisions,
Wes and Vassar are just about fighting for my top choice right now.</p>
<p>i would think Wes has a better creative writing deparment just cause of that huge seminar they have every june and the people the have/have had on staff like Annie Dillard…</p>
<p>Vassar’s english department has a pretty solid creative writing program. The composition classes are, from what i’ve heard, insanely popular.
[Vassar</a> College English Department | Resources | Frequently Asked Questions](<a href=“http://english.vassar.edu/resources_faqs.html]Vassar”>http://english.vassar.edu/resources_faqs.html)
that’s the link for the english dept. website, click on where it says “alphabet book” and you’ll get a listing of current courses and, further down, info about creative writing.</p>
<p>The English Department here at Vassar is excellent… it’s one of the departments we’re best known for. That being said, I personally haven’t taken a class in the department; however, I have several friends who have, including one whose an English major. She took a composition class on the short story this past semester and really seemed to enjoy it; however, I haven’t talked that much with her about it, so can’t tell you much more than that. The link JPan has provided is excellent though for getting more information about both the English Department and Creative Writing at Vassar… if you haven’t looked at it yet, I recommend.</p>
<p>Oh, and also, I’ve heard that the school is considering adding a Creative Writing Correlate (minor) to its programs of study (right now we just have an English major). I’m not sure if that’s still on or when it will be taking place, but it is something to keep in mind.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone!
Littleathiest, I will definitely keep checking in about the Creative writing minor, very good to know…
and thanks for the link!</p>
<p>Just FYI, Creative Writing is getting eaten by the economic crisis right now. If you visit [The</a> Miscellany News](<a href=“http://www.miscellanynews.com%5DThe”>http://www.miscellanynews.com), you can read about all the English department dramz that have been going on over the past few weeks - in short, two of the Creative Writing professors (including the one that I have for English 205, the intro composition class, next semester) are getting fired. So keep that in mind while you’re making your decision. I’m taking comp for the first time next semester so I can’t say much about Creative Writing, but the English classes are great. I would be an English major if I had the space in my schedule to double!</p>
<p>The controversy over two non-tenure track visiting English Professors (by definition this means they are temps) has the smell to me of a fairly typical academic political battle. I would not base an admissions decision on this sort of issue. There are often many reasons for such debates that have little to do with service to students. Vassar like most colleges (even Yale) and famiiles, even Yale, is looking to reduce their budget for next year but I doubt that any one institution will be more impacted than another. </p>
<p>While painful for the individuals involved there will still be a huge number of English courses offered. I would also not be surprised to see some solution found to maintain those slots. I don’t mean to appear to be dismissive or uncaring but one can get somewhat cynical of academic budget battles after seeing the same pattern over and over. In short, have faith the matter will be worked out without major impact to students.</p>
<p>The creative writing program is already small and losing two professors is going to negatively affect it. If an applicant is looking for a strong creative writing program, they might want to avoid a school that’s CUTTING its already small program. </p>
<p>You can also check out [RUMOR:</a> Fire! at Vassar](<a href=“http://fireatvassar.■■■■■■■■■■■■■%5DRUMOR:”>http://fireatvassar.■■■■■■■■■■■■■) for more info. I would NOT assume that it’s going to be worked out without major impact, especially for those who are specifically interested in creative writing.</p>
<p>Although English and creative writing are often under the same umbrella, the faculty expertise needed to teach each are quite different. Few LACs, other than those with undergrad CW majors, offer tenure to the creative writing instructors with actual field experience and publications; so, it is misleading to assume that the “huge” English department can simply fill those creative writing teaching slots with regular literature professors.</p>
<p>my daugher took creative writing and loved it. i believe vassar is adding a creative writing correlate. dc89, you sound a bit angry??? i agree w/ctparent that you might wait to see the impact and choices made by the english depart before you dismiss vassar as a good place for creative writing, especially since that doesn’t seem to be an area where you have much experience. vassar may not be the place for nairka but further investigation is warranted - esp. since it appears she is applying for class of 2014.</p>
<p>wihs - Your D took creative writing under the current (non-tenured) instructors, yes? I’m not affiliated at all with Vassar except as a prospie; the funding issue with creative writing was a deal-breaker, although by no means the only turn-off. I have no idea what the OP seeks in creative writing, but if the comp classes are being taught by lit professors instead of published artists, Vassar’s reputation for EXCELLENT creative writing will be overstated.</p>
<p>sorry for the late reply re cr prof. my daughter took writing from experience, which i think was a freshman seminar offered 2nd semester. it was taught by Judith Nichols who has taught at Vassar many years, I believe, and is very well thought of. Also, new starting this fall, there is a creative writing correlate. D. said, go to Vassar english dept. web site and download (click?) on alphabet book and it is described there.</p>
<p>There is a creative writing correlate, but as I stated earlier, courses ARE being cut. I can’t take 206 next semester because it isn’t being offered. I am angry about it – I took 205 this semester with an amazing professor and she told us point-blank about what was happening to the English department, and the professors are angry too. I’m not quite sure why that’s not being taken seriously here. I’m not trying to drive people away from Vassar, but I would be unhappy if I came here for creative writing and there just weren’t enough classes being offered for me to get a place. Which is already a problem. </p>
<p>I mean, take that with a grain of salt, but don’t say you weren’t warned when your kid can’t even get into 205 (intro creative writing).</p>
<p>Ok, i hear your dissappointment and I can’t blame you. maybe you will be able to work something out - i certainly hope so.
as a parent, i am not happy that any classes are cut, but as someone trying to deal with the economy in my own home, i have some sympathy for those making hard decisions.
i am hoping next year is a good year for all vassar students. vassar is in fairly good shape. we’ll see!</p>