Help me build a college list: top 1% student

Good evening everyone! When I posted the original question many months ago, I was absolutely clueless! Now DD is at the end of the application cycle, and I wanted to share where she ended up applying, along with the results. She didn’t apply ED anywhere.

Her profile is listed in the first post. We did not qualify for any Financial Aid. All scholarship amounts listed below are yearly.


University of Pittsburgh: Accepted - Applied for Guaranteed Admissions Program to med school (did not receive) and Chancellor’s (did not receive) $10K per year awarded

University of South Florida: Accepted - National Merit (full-ride)

Texas A&M: Accepted - Opportunity Award Recipient (1k one-time), applied for Brown Scholars (not selected)

University of Texas at Dallas: Accepted - National Merit (full-ride)

UNC Chapel Hill: Accepted - Morehead-Cain Recipient (full-ride + much much more) :slight_smile:

University of Miami: Accepted - President’s Scholarship (25k per year), HPMP recipient, total $30,500 per year

University of Virginia: Accepted - Jefferson Finalist (did not receive)

University of Richmond: Accepted - Richmond Scholar Recipient (full-ride)

University of Florida: Accepted - Applied for Stamps (did not receive)

University of Maryland: Accepted - President’s Scholarship (12k per year), not selected for Banneker/Key

University of Houston: Accepted - National Merit (full tuition + fees), Academic Excellence Scholarship Recipient (in-state tuition and 6k per year)

UT Austin: Accepted - Applied for Forty Acres (did not receive)

Tulane: Accepted - Applied for TRIA, Deans’ Honor, Paul Tulane, and Pathway to Medicine (did not receive) - BTU Scholarship Recipient (1k), Merit Award (25k per year), Community Service Fellowship Recipient (8k per year)

Emory: Accepted - Applied for Woodruff Scholars (did not receive) $15K per year scholarship

University of Rochester: Accepted - Bausch + Lomb Scholarship Recipient (25k per year)

Duke: Accepted - Robertson Semifinalist (did not receive) $46,610 scholarship

Harvard: Accepted :slight_smile:

Washington University in St. Louis: Accepted - Applied for Rodriguez, Ervin, and Danforth Scholars Programs (did not receive) $43,732 scholarship

Case Western Reserve: Waitlisted

Yale: Waitlisted

Princeton: Waitlisted

Stanford: Waitlisted

Final Decision: The real decision was between accepting the Morehead Cain at UNC or going to Harvard. For a multitude of reasons (which deserve a separate post), she chose the Morehead Cain at UNC Chapel Hill.

I appreciate everyone’s input on this over the past few months. It was a long, but fun journey, and she’s excited about the future as a Morehead Cain Scholar!

Thank you!


WOW what an amazing (and interesting to parse) set of outcomes! Thanks for coming back with an update.

Morehead Cain is a superb opportunity- congratulations to her!

…and congratulations to you & your village for all the support that had to have gone into helping her navigate all of this…


Your daughter had an amazing run of acceptances and merit awards! Wowza!!! Nice.
A huge congrats to her. I bet she’ll be very happy with her decision to attend UNC as a Morehead Cain scholar.

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It was actually fun! Each school was chosen for a reason, and when she didn’t get into the specific “reason/program” for applying to a school, she moved on. Truly, she fell in love with the whole concept of the Morehead Cain early on. Their process starts very early, as the application was due in October 2021, and their multiple interviews start shortly afterwards. I did get her an interview coach to help her organize her thoughts. She was excellent. If anyone needs an interview coach, PM me, and I’ll get you her contact. She interviewed about 25 times between all these schools and programs! It was a bonding experience between mother and daughter for sure. :slight_smile:


I just posted the complete list below. I appreciate everyone’s help.

Congrats, UNC is fantastic and especially as a Morehead Cain scholar.

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