Help me categorize these schools as reach/match/safety

S20 is enjoying his time at GT. You can stay on-campus if you choose but plenty of options and activities off campus. Nice perk to have.

One advantage to Atlanta are the internship and co-op opportunities. Our son has had multiple offers but quickly realized not all were equal. Not all co-ops offer housing or allowances. Also, not all housing arrangements are workable around semester schedules. He’s turned down several out of state because of costs and time constraints. Rent adds up quickly today.


I don’t know any engineering student who had a co-op that didn’t including housing. I agree if that isn’t part of the package, students should keep looking.


No joke about rent😂. My son is living his best senior year at Georgia Tech in a “deluxe apartment in the sky“. Going to be sticker shock when he starts paying rent himself!

He was not interested in co-ops because he wanted to use internships to figure out what exactly he wanted to do with his civil engineering degree. He didn’t like the idea of working at the same company for three semesters. So far he has done construction estimating, project management and litigation consulting. He sort of fell into that last one because they were super flexible and he spent half of his summer abroad but he ended up really liking it. Not sure it’s really a “right out of school job“ as they typically like people with 5+ years of experience but it’s a great fit for him. Will probably end up in one of the latter 2 but he has one more internship this summer to figure it out. The job placement at Tech really is outstanding. He had employers leaving their booths at the career fair after over hearing him talk with other employers to recruit him.


I have no doubt this kid will be successful wherever he goes because he is a hustler. Very involved and fall athlete plus 5 APs and college applications and he didn’t quit his summer job (we would have said fine) but continues to work every weekend. He will have no problem hustling to get internships- it is the way he rolls.

Cost wise we are willing to pay (brothers have barely touched 529s) so cost is not a driving factor but value is. Just couldn’t justify an app to UVA (he is a legacy) for over 80k a year for engineering :flushed:. He loved the school though.

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He’s an ISyE. Several companies including a multinational didn’t offer anything for housing. These were in urban areas. He complained to one. They offered dorm housing at a local college but timing didn’t work.

Maybe because it’s urban plus Covid premium for housing? More profitable to rent or sell than keep for co-ops? Idk

Also had long term internship and co-op offers. Seemed odd. I think they were just looking to find temp help, not really interns. I’ve heard this several times from others.

Agree with @VirginiaBelle about GT placement. I’ve had several people give ME contact info and ask S to call them for internships and jobs. I was just wearing a GT sweatshirt. Doesn’t happen when I’m wearing a Pitt or FSU shirt. Lol

Also agree with @VirginiaBelle about co-ops. S learned a lot from internships. His Co-op has been suboptimal.

If he gets into Tech, he will go. Strong student with strong test scores/ECs/leadership/volunteer - well rounded and top 10% of class instate but still no guarantee. Purdue likely a reasonable back up. I think he would choose Auburn engineering over Alabama or UGA but not sure. Lots and lots of people who don’t get in to Tech in-state end up at UGA engineering, and my Georgia Tech son has worked with UGA interns in all three of his internships.


Great. If Auburn is the worst case….then the pressure is off. Wonderful school even if their athletic dept is a mess. Nice campus. Town. Great engineering reputation.

Did he ever add any others ? I know you were considering.

He didn’t. He applied to nine. Definitely paying housing at Auburn next week. He’s never been to Auburn but I think it’s a great size for him, strong undergraduate engineering program and great college town. Agreed that’s a wonderful back up to have! Their scholarships aren’t as generous as Alabama needless to say but he will get at least half tuition.


All decisions are in and here are the results. Only filled out an honors application for Purdue. Did not do any other honors applications. Applied to mechanical engineering for all schools.

UGA - admitted and auto admit to Honors Program
Alabama - admitted with scholarship
Auburn - admitted with scholarship
Clemson - admitted with scholarship
Georgia Tech - admitted
Virginia Tech - admitted
Purdue - admitted and admitted to Honors Program
Florida - admitted
Illinois - deferred then waitlisted

So 9 out of 10 admits and those who put Illinois as a reach were right :slight_smile: He will be declining the waitlist at Illinois, which came out today, and heading to Georgia Tech


You can’t decline - I still have hope :slight_smile: I thought he was going to slide in…

Congrats to him - well done!!

Ha ha - no interest. And why? GT #2 in the country for ME, free tuition and he has been exploring all the options there which are pretty amazing. Apparently the kid has been keeping a list of notes of business/entrepreneurial ideas for a couple of years - read them to me recently and he may be on to something :rofl: He is a hustler, a third kid, and the one we always said may let us retire early :slight_smile: I will let you know if he hits it big!


RD for GT came out tonight and have not heard of anyone admitted locally, at least not yet. Glad he applied EA - seems to be important!


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