<p>My list is a lot of matches and safeties...help me choose at least one reasonable reach. Not a wing and a prayer type of reach.</p>
<p>Stats are like this:</p>
<p>GPA 3.8 unweighted, my school does not weight or rank
my hs sends about 30% to fairly prestigious schools, about 5% to ivies
mostly honors classes, 3 APs this year only - my school does not make it easy to get into APs, they want everyone getting 4s and 5s
1st trumpet in concert band, jazz ensemble, several pit orchestras
Girl Scout silver award, working on gold
pres of music honor society, vp last year
SAT 1310/1600 1980/2400
lots of community service
good recs
my essay must be OK, I got 15k/per year in merit aid from a nice LAC, but not a top LAC</p>
<p>my interests are not clear, I want to explore a bit. I like psychology. maybe music minor.</p>
<p>I have no strong preference between a large or small college, public or private.
Nothing further north than NJ, or further west than Pittsburgh. I don't like cold.
I don't want to consider cost in this particular analysis, my current list is built based on where I am likely to get merit aid.</p>
<p>where do you live?</p>
<p>I believe I am strong for UMCP because 95% of the applicants from my school were admitted there last year, and very competetive with their stats.</p>
<p>alright here are some suggestions for schools in the area you requested and that are very strong in psychology:</p>
<p>Carnegie Mellon University (reach)
Duke University (high reach)
George Mason University (Safety)
Gettysburg College (Match)
James Madison University (Match)
Princeton University (High Reach)</p>
<p>Thanks…Carnegie Mellon looks reasonable based on my high school’s history of acceptance (3/10 accepted last year, 2 were waitlisted). I am also seriously considering Gettysburg already.</p>
<p>Carnegie Mellon University Tartans
Drexel University Dragons
Gettysburg College Bullets
Trinity College Bantams
Connecticut College Camels<br>
Hamilton College Continentals</p>
<p>bump bump</p>
<p>any more suggestions?</p>
<p>If you’re going to apply to Duke and Princeton you may as well apply to Penn…although all 3 are probably wing-and-prayer status.</p>
<p>You should also check out Haverford College and Bryn Mawr college.</p>
<p>I would not apply to Duke, Princeton, or Penn - they are most definitely in the ‘wing and a prayer’ category.</p>
<p>I am interested in a reach, but something I might have a shot at.</p>