Help me choose please!

<p>So I’m in quite the predicament! I cannot decide between UCI, UCD, and UCSB.</p>

<p>I’m currently undeclared…but I’m probably going into business or bio. So I’m really unsure which school to choose! I’m leaning towards UCI but I’m not sure.</p>

<p>I’m a really social person and I enjoy going to parties and such but I’m not crazy about drinking. I don’t mind asian girls…my school is quite asian and I’m used to it. But are there white and indian people in irvine too? Lol. </p>

<p>And I really love going to the gym…which school has the best gym facilities?</p>

<p>But most importantly…academically which would you reccommend? Thank you!</p>

<p>UC Davis and UCSB seem better for the social part. Academics are the same. hmm. Well, it totally depends on what you want to do later in life. I would say UC Davis (I’m going there next year). Did you visit any of these schools? You should.</p>

<p>Any other opinions?</p>

<p>If you want to go into business, UCI is the only one with a business admin major. However, only 10-15 change of major or transfers get in a year. It’s really impacted.</p>

<p>UCD has a large undergrad. managerial economics major, and grad. business school;
UCI has a really nice gym, though I haven’t seen the other 2 schools’ facilities.
Kobe Bryant was seen working out at the UCI gym a few years back…</p>

<p>go to UCI! I think it’s more known for bio but i’m not really sure?
ucd doesn’t even have a undergrad business program lol xD
ucsb = herpes…just saying…</p>

<p>uci = 60% asians and commuter school, in a boring ass town. don’t bother going to uci if you’re not going to take a car. you will be bored.</p>

<p>but theres gotta be stuff going on in the dorms and such?</p>

<p>find yourself a hot asian girlfriend at Irvine, and BAM! lifes good.</p>

<p>uci IS a commuter school (thus not TOO social but u can be if u want to be in w/ that kind of crowd) and irvine can be boring (im from irvine but i go to ucla right now)… but it is very safe! haha… and a VERYY nice gym!!!</p>