Help me choose...

<p>I can attend the University of Michigan or Villanova University at the same cost, so now I need to choose (Villanova and Mich were my top two choices, so having to choose is nearly impossible). </p>

<p>I like Villanova in that it is small, private, and religious (which is important to me). Having visited their program, I am in love with their new nursing facilities and the campus seems to be a perfect fit for me. I love the affiliation with Children's of Philadelphia, and I like the proximity of Villanova to Philly as well. My concern, however, is that it is far from home.</p>

<p>I also like Michigan's nursing program, which is more highly ranked (though USNWR rankings are fairly useless). I also like U of M's campus, but am concerned that it might be too big of a school for me. I think that both schools offer comparable nursing programs, so I am torn between a school that is close to home (Michigan) and a school that seems to be the perfect fit (Villanova).</p>

<p>A critique of each nursing program would really help at this point in my decision making process. Thank you in advance!</p>

<p>“Perfect fit” should carry more weight then “far from home”,unless the cost of returning home for visits concerns you…Even going to a school close to home,you’re likley NOT to visit home any more significantly then if you were further away…I vote "Nova!!!</p>

<p>I vote Nova as well…but disagree with qdogpa about visiting home. I go to school about 1 1/2 hours away from home, and I probably go home every 3 weeks or so which wouldn’t be possible had I chosen a school 3 or 4 hours away.</p>


<p>Every 3-4 weeks? How do you do that, just for the weekend? My point is most school schedules don’t allow for much short term visits, most visits home are of the longer variety,between semesters/holiday breaks, etc…Not weekends…</p>

<p>^ Yeah…about every 3 weeks or so. Just for the weekend. I leave Friday afternoon/evening and return Sunday afternoon/evening. I know a guy last semester who went home almost every weekend. He can’t do that this semester though because he plays baseball.</p>

<p>I’d vote for Nova also. Considering all the work you’ve done to get scholarships and to make college affordable, have you talked to your Dad about how often he might be willing to spring for a Philly to Detroit airline ticket? Perhaps a whole new twist on the “EFC” concept. If it is any comfort to both of you, the number of weekend trips will probably decrease the longer you are in college.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! </p>

<p>I actually ended up choosing Michigan after completing another campus visit. It did feel big, but the atmosphere of the nursing school was really friendly and the fact that campus is so close to home is really nice.</p>

<p>I sent in my enrollment deposit today, so it’s a done deal!</p>

<p>Best of luck!!! You had 2 solid choices,so you really would have been happy with either…Isn’t it great to know you’re accepted AND deposited??? Our D is now much more relaxed</p>

<p>From the Wizard of Oz:
“if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard”.
Good luck smart.cookie! I’m sure you’ll do well at Michigan.</p>

<p>Go Blue! It’s a great school and a fantastic nursing program.</p>


<p>Congrats on your decision; you will love UMich! As a current freshman in the program I have made some amazing friends and am loving every minute of it here! Best of luck to you!</p>