<p>I've been darting back and forth between college ideas all year. Here are some of my characteristics...</p>
<p>I'm an EXCELLENT writer (Easily one of the best creative writers in my school, receive 100's on English State examinations [essays]).</p>
<p>I'm good at taking apart literature and analyzing it for a deeper meaning.</p>
<p>When I'm in science class, I always ask "Why?". I think the functionings of certain sciences is intriguing, though I'm not very good with formulas.</p>
<p>I have a blast with heated debates.</p>
<p>I'm terrible at math.</p>
<p>I can analyze people quickly, and I'm quite the "people watcher".</p>
<p>I'm good at teaching others academic concepts.</p>
<p>I've got absolutely no sense of shame, in a good way. I'm a lead in many plays, and receive solos in choir.</p>
<p>I'm terribly persuasive and can get people to tell me things or do things for me very easily.</p>
<p>I love being outdoors, though I'm an even bigger fan of the city. Specifically, New York City. That's where I plan on attending college.</p>
<p>I like the idea of a small sense of danger being included on my career. Criminal investigation has stuck in my mind for a while.</p>
<p>Two majors that have come to mind this year include Criminal Justice and English Education (for fairly obvious reasons).</p>
<p>But are there any majors/career paths that may specifically work with my interests?</p>
<p>Thanks so much guys :]</p>