Help me find middle-of-the-road schools that I can love...

<p>Gettysburg has a marching band. In fact, it was one of the few - if not the only - Div III schools whose band made the final round of the Hawaii Five-0 competition. (google it for explanation. There are videos on line, too.)</p>

<p>In addtion, with your scores, you’d be in the running for merit aid at Gettysburg. My son’s SAT was 1340 and he got $15,000/yr. That brought the net cost down to less than $40k.</p>

<p>If $ is an issue, maybe look at some of the SUNY schools (ex. Genesco, Binghamton are both excellent).</p>

<p>I think this thread has helped me compile these schools:
Muhlenberg </p>

<p>I think I’m still open for more, though… anything to say about any of the schools on that list? I want to bring it down to 1 or 2 schools.</p>


<p>If you haven’t already, check out Clark University in Worcester, MA. They are on the Colleges that Change Lives list, but I have no idea about a marching band. Also, check out Quinnipiac University near New Haven, CT…again don’t know about marching band.</p>

<p>These two schools have a positive median reputation in the New England area. Some kids with your GPA and test scores go to these schools where the merit aid is more generous.</p>

<p>I would agree with Skidmore and Gettsburg, although don’t know enough about other schools named to offer an opinion.</p>

<p>Gettysburg has a really pretty campus, and CollegeBoard says it has a marching band, concert band, symphony orchestra, choral groups, music ensembles, opera, jazz band, and radio station (no pep band) so they have plenty of extracurricular options. They are also home to the Sunderman Conservatory of Music, and 7% of students are Visual and Performing Arts majors of some sort. Also, my second cousin goes there :)</p>

<p>All I know about Skidmore is my parents opinion of its reputation as possibly “stuck-up/snooty.” The only objective evidence I can find of that is the availability of Early Decision applications (this is a strategy fancy prep schools seem to use a lot) and the sticker price of tuition. Collegeboard says they do not have a marching band or pep band. While 14% of students major in the field Visual and Performing Arts, the music major gives a Bachelor of Arts degree rather than a Bachelor of Music (I don’t know how much of a difference this makes to you, but yeah).</p>

<p>Collegeboard does not list a marching band or pep band existing at Dickinson, and Visual and Performing Arts majors make up some amount less than 6% of undergraduates. But it seems like a great LA</p>

<p>All those schools have a lot in common numbers-wise (size, cost, SATs, acceptance rates), with Gettysburg having a slight edge in difficulty of admission (maybe?).</p>

<p>Don’t count on Skidmore for any merit money.</p>

<p>Skidmore offers a music talent scholarship</p>

<p>[Skidmore</a> College: Filene Scholarship Information](<a href=“]Skidmore”></p>

<p>another merit scholarship offered is for math/science"</p>

<p>[Skidmore</a> College: Science/Math Scholarships](<a href=“]Skidmore”></p>

<p>College of Wooster offers a music talent scholarship and is also within the CTCL list.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You may want to also look at Denison U. music scholarship (another CTCL)</p>

<p><a href=“Academics | Denison University”>Academics | Denison University;