Help me find schools for my son who wants to go away from home

Thanks for the additional ideas. My son’s pretty set on not going to the northeast, which is weird because I grew up and went to college there, but to each his own. We did check out some of the other CA schools and by and large the numbers didn’t add up, plus he’s not really interested in going to a Catholic school.

Even though we’re Catholic. :slight_smile:

I think we’ve eliminated the UC’s for good, and probably Stanford as well, so the list now looks like:

Reaches: USC, Miami, Georgia Tech
Match/Likely: Minnesota, Texas A&M, Florida State
Safety: Arizona State, Alabama, Nebraska

We talked about it tonight and it seems like this is a better mix of schools, most of which fit the profile of what he’s looking for and the majority of which come within budget. And his reaches all offer the possibility (even remote) of getting a scholarship that would make attendance possible.

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The good thing about Arizona State if undecided between engineering and computer science is that both programs are taught at the school of engineering (whereas is some universities computer science is taught at the school of arts and sciences). Make sure you also apply to the Barrett Honors college once you receive your ASU credentials.

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How about Virginia Tech? It seems to be a fit for what you described in your OP. Both it’s engineering and computer science programs are highly regarded. It happens to be a very popular school in our area, the New York Metro, for kids in these majors. We know a number of alumni and several current students and it is one of those schools where you always hear good things. Here is a link to the VT merit scholarships that are offered.


Just curious why University of New Mexico didn’t make the cut? It has what he wants, and as a NMF he would get a true full ride.

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Virginia Tech is a great engineering school but unlikely to come within budget. 20-25K/year necessitates full tuition merit.

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That fact plus the honors college (and the location tbh) are the big selling points right now as well as the full tuition.

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I’ve been on the VT campus before. Like the school but it’s not exactly what he’s looking for geographically and as noted it didn’t really look like it would work from a financial perspective.

We’re trying to keep a manageable list (we have to visit all of these schools, at least the ones that aren’t reaches initially) and he’d be more open to Arizona State and Alabama than New Mexico and Oklahoma. So that’s what we’re going with.

Yes, ASU Barret is considered one of the top Honors Colleges in the nation. Location is great, and the Tempe campus is a $2 Light Rail ride away from PHX Sky Harbor.

Guaranteed full tuition for OOS NMS is certainly a big plus, and to the best of my knowledge ASU has the best ranked engineering program with full tuition guaranteed for OOS NMS now that UF is no longer an option.

For reference, you can find a ranking of engineering programs that offer merit scholarships to CBNRP recipients, which is a subset of programs that offer big merit scholarships to NMS at
College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022 - Specialty College Admissions Topics / Hispanic Students - College Confidential Forums

(and full disclosure: my son is studying Civil engineering at ASU)

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hi- we are from the midwest (cornfields). I get it - my kid had great opps here; but wanted to try something new and go somewhere new as well. We have 4 kids and now one is going to a top grad school; so meeting their EFCs or above just wasnt in the picture. Nor do we have high housing prices and equity to tap for loans.

wanted to mention a few places of interest besides those mentioned already:
UNL’s raikes program: (super cool program for computer science).
creighton U: has a few full-ride scholarships: scott scholars -
Miami of Ohio was of interest
University of Tulsa has a good tech and engineering and a few good scholarships
texas tech had great scholarships - and we have friends and family LOVE it there
and my son’s favorite (but he’s not there) Colorado school of mines.


I will put one more out there, NC State. Even though UNC is is regarded as a better school overall when it comes to engineering State has the stronger program. It would also seem to be more in line financially with the other schools you are considering. Also it is part of Raleigh, Durham, Cary research triangle. Offering tons of internships and future job opportunities. Best of luck.


Great school but won’t meet their financial needs for out of state. Neither will VT.


Yep, NC State was high on the list initially but when we ran the numbers it wasn’t going to work without a full tuition scholarship. And there are only so many schools my son wanted to apply to, and not every school with prestige scholarships was going to make the cut.

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Quick update: UT-Austin replaced Georgia Tech, obviously a major reach school but a dream school and one he wanted to shoot his shot at. We’ve visited a couple of other schools on his list (Arizona State, Nebraska) and he liked both of them. Apps are done so now the waiting begins!


First round of acceptances and scholarship offers came in. Accepted to all the schools that do rolling admissions. (Alabama, Minnesota, Nebraska, Arizona State, Texas A&M)

Not a lot of interest in Alabama and Minnesota at this point for a variety of reasons. Arizona State is likely out due to the lack of a full-tuition scholarship for NMF. Texas A&M’s first scholarship offer was very small, but if he actually gets NMF then we assume it becomes affordable. Nebraska has become an intriguing option, he likes the engineering school, we have connections there and it fits nicely in our budget. Obviously things can change if one of the reach schools come through.


Have u looked at U of A in Tucson. $35k off of $38k tuition. Honors dorm is unreal. Dining hall at the bottom and gym next door. Smaller, more traditional than ASU.

Congrats on the acceptances. It’s an exciting time. But with common app and self reporting test scores, don’t be afraid to launch a few more Hail Mary apps, especially if little extra work (essays)is required.

But it’s great he’ll have affordable options wherever he ends up.


We’ve actually looked at U of A and visited it before. It checks a lot of the boxes - big public university, warm weather, good honors college, great financial package. My oldest almost ended up going there, but ultimately decided against it. My son has no interest, for whatever reason he just didn’t like the campus or city.

Son got into Miami but didn’t get one of the premier scholarships, so it’s almost certainly out. Waiting on the USC scholarship finalist decisions but it’s very likely between Nebraska and Florida State at this point.


Accepted into FSU with the OOS tuition waiver, $12K scholarship plus NMF stipend. So it’s for sure between Florida State and Nebraska now.

(we might be going for a second visit to these schools, which in the case of FSU isn’t the worst thing right now. :slight_smile:


Ohio State is generous with aid to attract strong students.

Case Western gave our son a merit scholarship equal to half the tuition bill.

I would recommend retaking ACT or taking the SAT to get your standardized score up.