<p>Colleges I really want to go to:
<p>I'm applying to a few others, but those are the ones I really like. So if you could suggest some less selective schools that are similar, it would be highly appreciated!</p>
<p>characteristics I would like in a school: liberal arts (with that comes small size, although that's not a factor), proximity to a major city, somewhat diverse (I don't really put weight on this factory because it's usually to difficult to fit with the others)</p>
<p>Your list was very much like mine (Wes was my top choice), and my safties were Skidmore and Occidental (though I understand why one wouldn’t want to have to pay the plane ticket price for Oxy).</p>
<p>I second Goucher, esp. if you’re on the lookoiut for a “safer” saftey than Skidmore (depends on your stats whether or not you’d need one). Very pretty campus.</p>
<p>thanks for all the suggestions!
I’ve decided upon skidmore, clark, and loyola chicago for my safeties.</p>
<p>I like goucher a lot. but it’s in baltimore and I have A LOT of family in baltimore. it’s not that I don’t like my family; I just dont want to be coddled for 4+ years.</p>