<p>I'm looking for a program that is english speaking, but the host country can speak another language. The program/country must satisfy these requirements:
Dorm/Shared living area (maybe international housing)
Meal Plan or Affordable dining out options
Econ/Business Classes
<p>Do you guys have any ideas? I was looking into programs at Utrecht in Holland or possibly something in Aregentina</p>
<p>what about Hong Kong University? All courses are in english, the other official language is cantonese, very affordable for int. students, ends up being like the same price as an instate in USA. thats where i want to go! =D</p>
<p>Greetings vtownsfinest:</p>
<p>I am actually looking into business & econ classes in Hong Kong. I’ve been researching the topic for maybe 4 months now, eagerly awaiting application openings :)</p>
<p>They have some very good, very competitive programs out there that rank high internationally, and high compared to US schools. Undergrad programs (which is what your are looking for I assume) cost around $10,000 per year and are 3 years long. And they are all in English. </p>
<p>This is affordable when you compare it the in-state public schools. And when you compare it to your typical private school yearly tuition of $35,000, it’s even better. Because, as I said, undergrad programs are 3 years… so at the end, you end up saving a nice sum of money.</p>
<p>Housing depends on the school, though most of them in Hong Kong will provide you housing in either the dorms or apartments. CityU will house you in a youth hostel.</p>
<p>As I said, I’m looking into business econ classes, and so the schools that I’m looking at are:</p>
<p>Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - [HKUST</a> Web Server](<a href=“http://www.ust.hk%5DHKUST”>http://www.ust.hk)
Chinese University of Hong Kong - [The</a> Chinese University of Hong Kong - CUHK](<a href=“http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/v6/en/]The”>The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Hong Kong University - [The</a> University of Hong Kong](<a href=“http://www.hku.edu/]The”>http://www.hku.edu/)
City University of Hong Kong - [*</a> City University of Hong Kong ](<a href="http://www.cityu.edu.hk/]">http://www.cityu.edu.hk/)</p>
Brian, webmaster [Theroria</a> - the Study Abroad Community](<a href=“http://www.theroria.com%5DTheroria”>http://www.theroria.com)</p>