Help me help my 2023 Twins - PG/post grad year? College?

We went into the arts center and they were blown away by the theater … my prep school had that level of facility, but here in LA, even the top privates don’t compare to that. We have little black box theater!

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The entire campus blows me away. She went site unseen as it was 2020 when she applied.


Update: I am so grateful for all the words of wisdom here. Each girl applied to 6 or so schools, and while there’s some overlap, there are places that definitely seem more a fit for one rather than the other. One twin has already gotten a college acceptance (To a rolling admission school that her sister dithered around and didn’t submit to until recently) so I think it feels less like BS PG will be a failure.

Now, I need to Keep Calm and Carry On until March 10. Trying to juggle figuring out how to get to revisit days while also seeing our college senior who is in Copenhagen until May. Yes, good problems to have. Anyway, Godspeed to anyone applying anywhere, and to those considering post-graduate years, it’s a good idea. Even the application/interview process is fostering growth!


So…the PG year at a boarding school was ditched?

Thanks for the update. It’s a very exciting time for you…times two.

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Oh no! I’m more convinced than ever that a PG year is the right move. I just meant that having a college acceptance is making that daughter feel (correctly) that the PG year isn’t because she did poorly at life!


Ok….I’m confused. So have they applied to BSs for a PG year…and to colleges?

Or are they doing a PG year now?

Yes, to a couple colleges. I think I explained upthread how the Wasatch school’s college counselor was very helpful in talking about being intentional. Several of the admissions officers we spoke to about PG years also agreed that applying to college simultaneously was not uncommon. If you get into your dream school, you can choose to defer, for example. But my kids haven’t even really explored colleges that much.


Ah…so the plan is for a PG year.

Of course, predicated on actually getting admitted. EEK.




I want to thank everyone who ever commented on this thread, and to CC for hosting such great, informative, open forums. We have yet to decide where the girls are going (meaning, they’re going to revisit days but Mom and Dad are all in on one choice but we’ll try to keep our noses out of it for now) but after a gut-wrenching M10 (explained a bit more here–The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread - #1553 by SoCalMomOfFour2) I returned to this conversation to re-read your words of wisdom.

They really helped calm me down. The thing I had gotten stuck in my head was splitting them up for next year, but then their admissions came back, and one of the few schools they’d both applied to gave them both spots with great aid. So we are suddenly rethinking the separation thing, because money doesn’t grow on trees, KWIM?

As we navigate revisits (and seeing their adult sister for spring break, who I think can talk them down from any ledge) the collective wisdom of CC mamas and papas will be part of our journey.

Thank you all so very much.


Congratulations on their acceptances! I lurked in the M10 thread and it’s clear that no acceptance is a given, so them having choices is great.

Are they definitely doing a PG year? It may not feel this way because you are still in the midst of decisions, but I think if you all have come to that agreement you’ve made a ton of progress! Feeling at peace with that part of it alone is wonderful. Now you are working out the details! Good luck with the final decision.

(If I were trying to rationalize the unplanned togetherness during the PG year, I would look at it like this: It is step 1 in a two-step path to more independence. Step 1 is that they are away from home, taking care of themselves, and being able to separate from the safety of the familiar. They will be more confident and more mature to take step 2 on their own, for college. And really, it is college and beyond that is the end game.)

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@SoCalMomOfFour2 I just wanted to say thanks for the update and also: I am CHEERING YOUR GIRLS ON!!! and you too.


Enjoy the revisits!

As for plans, great to have them, but as you get more information, they evolve. Sounds like you ended up with great (and greater!) options.

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