Help me pick a senior quote!

<p>I'm thinking about senior quotes and these are some of my favorites. Weigh in please and let me know what you think :)</p>

<p>DISCLAIMER: Most of these are from songs I love.</p>

<p>• I was certain that the season could be held between my arms. Just as summer’s hold was fleeting. I was here, and now I’m gone.
• I'll let it be known, at times I have shown, signs of all my weakness, but somewhere in me, There is strength.
• You’ve got to swim, don’t let yourself sink. Just find the horizon. I promise you it’s not as far as you think.</p>


<p>I like the third one about swimming and sinking. It’s just my opinion, probably because I can relate to it.</p>

<p>yaaay jack’s mannequin :]</p>

<p>i like the third one. ovo</p>

<p>I like the second one the best :)</p>

<p>Thank’s y’all! Anyone else?</p>

<p>The song “Reflections” by Bliss N Eso has a ton of great quotes.</p>

<p>First one :)</p>

<p>I like the third one best.</p>

<p>U shud do… “you wish you could be 1 2”</p>

<p>tbh, they’re all kinda cliche :confused:
but i like the third one best</p>