Help me ration my ACT practice tests!

<p>Hello! I will be taking the september ACT which is about in 30 days and I have about 7 ACT tests left. I usually don't practice math and grammar much (because I do well in those two areas), but science and reading are another story...
So far, I have left</p>

<p>1 Test from the Red Book
1 Test from Cracking the ACT (PR)
2 Tests from 1296 ACT Questions (PR)
4 Online tests from the ACT</p>

<p>I don't like barrons (but I do have one) and I hear McGraw-Hill's suck, but if you guys have any other opinions about those two books, let me know please!</p>

<p>Anyway, how should I ration those practice tests out over the next month? I want to get in as much practice as I can because I'm horrendous at science and reading... </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Can you share the 4 tests from the ACT</p>

<p>Yes could u please share the 4 online tests?</p>

<p>I don’t know where he is getting 4 online tests. I believe there are only 2??</p>