Help me Start a list of schools please :(

<p>I want to start looking for colleges in case i choose to do early admission at the end of my junior year (next year). Anyway, I am a hispanic female if that has to do with anything. I am in the top 10 percentile of my school but I am in a district of need. Thus far in my high school career I have a 97 overall average with an 85.5 average on my science and math regents. This year I will take a global regents (I've taken 3 practice tests and gotten between a 90 and 98) Which I will assume will give me about a 90, an english regents which I expect to get between a 85 and 92ish. My math and science regents will each be between an 85 and 90 (UGH Geometry and earth science -___-). So by graduation i expect to get an ADV honors regents diploma. I plan on scoring about a 15-1800 on SAT
I want to major In Childhood Education (grade 1-6) OR Adolescent Education with a Bio Concentration (science teacher). So I need suggestions for schools that:</p>

<p>~Offer both of these majors
~Are within 4 of NYC
~Are reasonable in price ( >25,000)
~ MAY have the 3+2 year Masters/bachelor Program
~has a high teacher passing rate
~and allows me to get experience through them.</p>

<p>The only school i have found that fit this criteria is SUNY Cortland. And i know more exist.. but I need to find some because at the moment i am in love with SUNY Cortland so i'm like in a bubble</p>

<p>Have you considered attending school in California? You might want to look into Chapman University’s College of Educational Studies because you can double major or do a major and a minor. Their programs are excellent. You maybe able to qualify for their merit scholarships. You should check it out. [Chapman</a> University - CES - Programs - Undergraduate](<a href=“Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies | Chapman University”>Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies | Chapman University)</p>


<p>St. John’s University.</p>

<p>Take a look at some of the schools on this list: [Colleges</a> That Change Lives | Changing Lives, One Student at a Time](<a href=“]Colleges”></p>

<p>Regarding price, you will want to file FAFSA to find out if you’re eligible for federal financial aid. Also, your grades and your status as hispanic female may attract some grant and scholarship money. In other words, don’t automatically rule out a school if its Cost of Attendance is higher than $25K. At some places, you might pay considerably less.</p>

<p>[Alfred</a> University - College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Education - Early Childhood/Childhood Education](<a href=“]Alfred”></p>

<p>[Alfred</a> University - College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Education - Adolescent Childhood/Childhood Education](<a href=“]Alfred”></p>

<p>[Alfred</a> University - College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Biology](<a href=“]Alfred”></p>

<p>Tuition is $25,974 for the coming year - about $15K less than most private colleges.</p>

<p>It was very high on my son’s list this year and I can’t speak more highly of this school.</p>

<p>There’s no way. I don have the money to travel that frequently and I don’t want to be that far away.</p>