Help Me Understand UC's Capped GPA Calculation

If you look at , you will find that many IB courses also count as honors for UC purposes. So do college courses that are transferable to UC. Note that some online programs are included in these listings.

For the weighted capped GPA calculation is with up to 8 capped semesters or 4 AP classes, right? If D takes more AP classes, do they take the best grades for the weighted capped GPA (e.g. taking the A vs. B grade?)

@ocmomwith3: No, you do not get to pick and choose which AP courses will get the extra weighting. In the calculation, you input all grades for all the a-g classes and then add the 8 extra honors points or more.

2 of the UC’s, UCLA and UCB do consider the fully weighted GPA which is an unlimited amount of AP courses taken 10-11th grades.

So in the calculator, you input the # of A’s, B’s, C’s etc and then the # of semesters, quarters or trimesters of AP classes that qualify for the extra Honors points.
The calculator will cap the calculation for the Capped weighted at 8 semesters but will also calculate your fully weighted GPA if more than 8 semesters are taken.


Let’s say she gets:

AP Euro A/A
AP Seminar A/A
H Algebra 2 B/B
H Chemistry B/B
H English A/A


AP Language (English) A/A
H Math Analysis B/B
AP Research A/A
AP Environmental Science A/A

Her UC weighted capped GPA is -(4* 14 + 3*6 + 8)/20 = 4.10