Help me with dorms!

I was going to do honors housing on mount Vernon because the dorms are a better set up but I’ve been hearing recently that you are kinda socially isolated — i am a massive extrovert and i love being near the action, would Vern be a bad idea for me??? Thanks

If you’re a “massive” extrovert, then it’s definitely possible that the Vern isn’t the right match for you. Things like that vary from person to person, so it’s hard to say. If you’re in West Hall on the Vern you’ll still have three other roommates, so it’ll never be “quiet.”

However, the biggest parties (if that’s what you mean by action) are typically on Foggy… in Thurston… which won’t be open this fall (or at least the way it looks). If Thurston is getting closed down then the other dorms will have to absorb the extra 1,200 students, and I bet that quite a few will end-up on the Vern. What does this mean? Whatever advice incoming-freshman are seeking about the Vern vs. Foggy might not be all that accurate as this year will be very different from years past.

If I had to guess, the party culture will be spread throughout the other dorms with the biggest parties being wherever there are quads. That means Madison, Fulbright, and West Hall. Yes, West Hall. All it takes is having enough people in a dorm building (or even floor for that matter) to decide to be a “party group” for it to happen.