Help me with my Resume...

I know we’re supposed to have a resume for our college apps, im just wondering, what is supposed to go on that resume? Isn’t most of the imfromation there the same as the info we provide in the rest of the application?

<p>You don't always have to include a resume. I am for IUB because there's no space on the actual application for ECs, APs, etc.</p>

<p>There are different sorts of resumes. If you're going into visual/performing arts, you should put competitions, performing groups, school activities etc. I have a music resume for Amherst with the teachers I studied with, the ensembles I played in, my solo performances and that sort of thing. Most resumes are more for people going into a specific area who have concentrated in that area throughout high school. Like for English, people write pieces, have their works published, are part of Journalism or Poetry societies. Science people would put the Mathletes, Science Olympiad, Calculus Club, and whatever projects they did.</p>

<p>If you really need a resume, fill out the application first, then write down everything that didn't fit. Generally, you can put any clubs, research, travel, and work experiences. That should cover it.</p>

<p>Thanks TKM... any other comments please? The first application im filling out (for my state school, UF) does ask for a resume....</p>