<p>Yes, I am back at it again. Thanks for everyone who has helped me so far, you guys rock my world.</p>
<p>A pilot surveys a flat circular area represented by 4pi square inches on a map. If 1 inch on the map represents 60 miles, how many square miels does the pilot survey?
answer is 14400 pi.</p>
<p>As a fee for his service a miller kept 10 percent of the flour he ground for a customer. If the customer got 1 ton how many tons did the miller grind?
Ans is 1 1/9</p>
<p>If x is the set of pos. integers with exactly one prime factor and y is the set of integers from 1 to 50 inclusive then the interesction of x and y includes how many integers?</p>
<p>ans is 23</p>
<p>what is the range of the function defined by f(x)= 1/x +2
answer is all real numbers except 2</p>
<h1>5QUESTION! The sum of the two roots of a quad. equation is 5 and their product is -6.</h1>
<p>I eliminated the answers down to
xsquare - 5x -6=0 and
xsquare +5x -6=0 , how do you know which one to pick?</p>
<p>QUESTION! Using all pairs of nonzero #s a and b such that |a| = |b|, which of the following choices lists all and only the possible real values of a/b?
Answer is + or -1. I only got -1.</p>
<p>Points q and r are on a segment PS which has length 24. if pq is half as long as qs and qr is 3 times as long as rs how long is rs?
answer is 4...</p>
<p>What is the perimeter of a square that has the same area as a circle that has circumference 1?
answer is 2/square root of pi</p>
<p>A rectangular block of wood is 20 inches long 8 inches wide and 6 inches high if a slice 1 inch thick is taken off each face by cutting all the way through the block parallel to that face what is the volume in cubinc inches of the block that is left after the six slices are removed</p>
<p>6) there is no rule tht a cant equal b, if a=2,b=2, a/b=1.
9) take 1 inch frm each side frm each end so 20 becomes 18, 6 becomes 4, and 8 becomes 6. To see this u hv to draw the box, and visualize how the blocks are cut.
So the volume become 18x4x6 = 432</p>
<p>Sorry, I am lost with Q 3. Primes are my weakest point. I am also interested now on how to solve this. Hope someone will answer. I hope I helped u out with the rest, hope my explanations are not weird or anything :)</p>
<p>question 3 basically asks for all the numbers b/w 1 and 50 with 1 prime factorization. First, you need to know all the 15 primes from 1 -50, as they are they all have exactly one prime factorization.
They are:
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43 and 47 (not 1!!!)
Now, the only other numbers that can have just one prime factorization are these prime numbers squared, cubed, etc. Since they are just the prime numbers multiplied over and over, they can only be divided by the original prime and its multiples, which can not be prime.
The only numbers in that category between 1 and 50 are
4, 8, 16, 32, 9, 27, 25 and 49</p>
<p>That makes for a total of 23 numbers. </p>
<p>IMO, this problem is extremely time-consuming, just recalling the primes would take quite a bit of time. I doubt you'd see something like this on the SAT. If you do, it's probably better off skipped.</p>
<p>And out of curiosity, where did you get these problems</p>
<p>Oh yeah, I messed up with Q5 (:. Sorry. And I just reread q2. I thought u were asking how much did the miller got, actually it was how much did the miller make. I read wrong (:. Just add up how much the miller GOT 1/9 to the 1=1 1/9</p>