<p>I think it's too late to ask this question but... how did you do on your AP exams??</p>
<p>The reason I ask.... well when I was in 11th grade I took 3 AP subjects.. Micro/Macro and US history.. and I got 4 except Macro economics,,, I got 5 on that subject.</p>
<p>So I thought Oh It's OK because I would achieve all 5 when I became senior. </p>
<p>I took 4 AP exams(Music theory, World history, statistics and comparative government and politics) and the result was..... disaster. Although the result is not available yet... I think I will certainly got 4 on Music theory, statistics and comparative government and politics.The only subject that I will get 5 is World history, because I am damn goot at it. </p>
<p>That means that I would get two 5-score subjects and five 4-score subjects. Do you think is there a possibility that I would get into a good college such as IVY(Well I don't even think about it) or Washington university in Saint Louis???</p>
<p>P.S. I'm an international student!</p>