HELP! missing early action deadline

<p>I am applying to 6 suny schools...
I got a fee wavier for 4 SUNY schools. and I have to pay for 2 SUNY schools</p>

<p>2 of the 6 SUNY schools, i am applying as early action. Their deadline is NOV 15. Which is tomorrow..</p>

<p>I finished my application, but I didn't send my fee wavier and money.... </p>

<p>Both schools require their application submitted BY NOV 15.... What am I going to do? I am going to miss the deadline. My application has clearly stated as applying as early action. Please, give me some advice... I cannot call them because it's the weekend. </p>

<p>Should I mail my fee wavier and money tomorrow? It’s the only option I got…</p>

<p>Can you submit it online? Can you apply the fee waiver to your EA schools? If not, you’ll probably have to apply RD.</p>

<p>EDIT: Mail it tomorrow and give it a try, but it might not work out.</p>

<p>i do not think i can submit it online… i couldn’t find it…</p>

<p>ways to submit:
money order/ check - by mail
credit card- by phone</p>

<p>i guess i’ll be fine with RD, but on my application, it put it as EA… i don’t think i can change it…</p>

<p>See if you can do it by credit card today. I know it’s late but it doesn’t hurt to try. Also try calling tomorrow.</p>

<p>Also, the admissions office can change it. Even if it’s EA, call and tell them you decided to applying RD.</p>

<p>It is 8:57 PM… their admission office closed already ( at 3pm something)</p>

<p>today is friday. tomrrow is weekend… the admission office is only opend for phone calls on weekdays…</p>

<p>Oh, I just assumed that since credit-card-payment-via-phone was available for a weekend deadline, they’d have something else set up.</p>