<p>It's at Chili's, a restaurant sort of like Applebees. I'm wearing khaki pants, but im not sure what shirt to wear. I fear that a long sleeve, light blue dress shirt is a bit over the top for the place, but I also fear that a plain dark green polo shirt is a bit below average for an interview... What to wear, what to wear...</p>
<p>I'd say that a dark green polo with khakis is fine!
I don't know about your EC, but mine stressed that he wanted the interview to be very casual, and that I shouldn't dress up that much.
Considering the fact that your interview is at Chili's, I would say that your outfit now seems fine.</p>
<p>thanx... but I have an imposing father that forced me to go in the other direction... honestly, he wont let me leave the house with the polo... he even said that even the blue shirt was "underdressing"... ohh well... sux...</p>
<p>I dressed in a suit for mine. My interviewer was pretty cool but I asked her about it afterwards and she said it was good that I dressed up and you should always do it... i guess each one is different</p>
<p>me: white docker pants and green short-sleever alph lauren polo (that was back in october, and i live in the south).
just wear whatever that fits the ambience. for chili's, i think a polo shirt would be fine. i mean, if the interviewer wanted a formal one, he/she would not have set it up at chili's.</p>
<p>Mine was at Starbuck's on a Sunday morning... I didn't think it was a formal setting either but went formal just to be safe.</p>
<p>Ha, s/he has already had his/her interview by now.</p>
<p>oh haha. i never checked the time.</p>
<p>yah i did... (and its he, by the way)... the interview went fine despite the fact that i dressed betr than the interviewer, so it was a litl awkward at the begining... but it lasted 2.5 hrs (loooooonnnnnggggg) mostly cuz the guy talked a lot, but it was good cuz i did learn a lot abt MIT, and now i want to go mor than evr :D</p>