So I applied to way too many schools and got into most of them. I narrowed it down to two schools none of them are super great but they work for me (financially and atmosphere-wise). I’m currently choosing between Loyola University of Chicago, which is really close to home (I live in the suburbs of Chicago), and Suffolk University which is in Boston. I visited both schools and have complied my own list of pros and cons. Such as, getting accepted to the Honors program at Suffolk, but not Loyola. Also, I really wanted an out of state college experience, and I wanted to be able to start over in a new city with new people (a large majority of students at my school do go to Loyola). Also, Suffolk accepts more AP credits, however, I think Loyola is an overall more selective school. I was wondering if you could give me more input and more pros/cons for one or the other school. I have visited both and it is really hard for me to choose between them.

Hmm…can I get more on intended major, your thoughts financially (because living at Suffolk is an extra 15 k at least for housing), and which campus u like better?