Help Needed For Decision!!!

<p>hello every one. i m in the last year of high-school and have been accepted by two european universities. One is the most prestigeous Italian University for economy (Bocconi) and the is AUBG (american university in Bulgaria). Bocconi is a university with a widespread reputation in Europe and is a three year uni. Instead AUBG is a good american uni (adopts an us college system), very well-known in the balkan *****sula and is a 4 year university... now my question is: which is the best university to attend if i want to apply for master at US universities? I mean, which universities do Amercian grad schools value more, European very good ones, or american good ones. any opinion would be of great help...Thank you...</p>

<p>*****sula was meant for peninsula but i forgot to write the second N.. sorry</p>

<p>If I had to pick it would be Bocconi. It is far better known and more prestigious. It would definatly be well regarded by the Business Schools in the USA.</p>

<p>Generaly foreign campuses of USA universities are not that well regarded and would be almost unknown. To elustrate my point I will repete the anology (not an exact quote) that Lawrence Summers, the soon to be ex-president of Harvard, said was the reason why his university would not open overseas campuses: Why, he asked, are health clubs typically franchises and country clubs rarely are? Because member go to health clubs mainly to use the facilities and equipment while people go to country clubs for the people they meet there. He argued that universities are country clubs.</p>

<p>I guess that kinda gives you an idea of how they are perceived.</p>

<p>yeah i got the idea psmyth000...thank u a lot... but i have been accepted by a very unpopoular Us uni like florida atlantic university (fau). my brother just graduated from there and has encountered manyb difficulties in getting to good grad law schools for mastares, but he stills pretends that the fau was good and that the reason why he is in this "trouble" is that he did a bad LSAT and not a very good GPA. Now, where would you advice me to go, in a US below average university or to BOCCONI. from which of them is it easier to get to the top us schools???? htank you once again for your attention</p>

<p>No problem Olsi. To help me make some sugestions what would you like to do in Graduate school?</p>

<p>well i would like to do both cs and eco if possible, but i dont know if this is possible... if i am obligated to choose one i would choose eco...</p>

<p>If you would like to do a masters or Phd at a prestigious university for econoimics such as the University of Chicago I would definatly advice you to go to Luigi Bocconi because it would most likely be known by the staff in the USA universities and would be better tought of than a lesser university in Florida.</p>