Help needed from all who have applied to nursing school!!!

Hi, I’m an African-American high school senior and I’m going to be applying to colleges very soon. I really want to get into nursing school and become a pediatric nurse or even a neonatal nurse because I love babies and children. I have a pretty good GPA but I’m really struggling with my SAT and ACT scores:( . I would just like to know peoples experiences (and what they think got them in) for anyone who has applied to nursing school in California. I’m trying to get into a direct entry program too, so my top choice right now is San Diego State University. I really love that school, and it would be nice to be back in San Diego since that’s where I was born. But I’m not going to be picky at all considering my standardized test scores. It would be a blessing to get into any nursing program or school with a nursing program.

Here are my stats:

GPA unweighted: 3.8
GPA weighted: 4.25
I’ve taken 6 honors classes and 2 APs, but I’m currently taking 3 more APs for my senior year. I receive gold honor roll every year

SAT: 1090
ACT: 21
I’m studying really hard for the upcoming SAT and ACT since it will be my last time to get my scores up. I’ve never been good at standardized tests, but I’m really, really trying for these ones.

Some extracurriculars:

-Basketball, Varisty- 2 years (had to quit because of a serious injury)
-Volleyball, Freshmen &JV- 3 years
-Track and Field, Varisty- 1 year (won league champion and set the school record for shotput. I’m planning on playing again this year when spring comes along).
-Club Volleyball, Varisty- 1 year
-I was also on our schools powderpuff team( but I don’t think that counts since it was just one event)
-I volunteer at a community clubhouse to assist them with annual festivals, Easter egg hunts for the kids, and any errands or tidying needed to keep the clubhouse well maintained.
-I volunteer at my church by helping with children’s liturgy. I am also a member of their youth group and one of the things we do is make Care Kits for the homeless.
-I am in multiple clubs (AVID, BSU, Partners in Health, American Red Cross, and Link Crew)

Please, please be honest with me when you’re replying. I won’t get offended because I take criticism pretty well. I would like to know true insight from those who got into nursing programs, and their stats (if that’s alright). I would like to apply to SDSU, CSUF, UCI, UCLA (such a reach, I know), and Arizona State University. I have safety schools too. If there’s any tips you can give me that would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much!!

With your ACT/SAT scores, I see none of the schools except possibly ASU as viable options.
Here is a link for SDSU Nursing stats:

Some test score data for the UC’s:
25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1210- 1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

25th - 75th percentiles for ACT:
UCB: 30-34
UCLA: 30-34
UCSD: 29-34
UCSB: 28-33
UCD: 26-32
UCI: 26-32
UCSC: 26-31
UCR: 23-30
UCM: 20-27
Target minimum 50th percentile.

Look at Azusa Pacific and Univ of San Francisco for direct entry or consider the 2+ 2 programs at the CSU’s instead. URM status not considered by the UC’s or CSU’s. Best of luck and hopefully get the test scores up.

California Nursing schools are extremely competitive so you may have to look outside the state. This thread may be helpful for college suggestions:

I’d apply to some community college programs as backups, particularly if you want to stay in California. I’d add some out of state colleges to your list, because Calif. programs are so competitive.

What can you afford?

@Banker1 has a daughter who went through the California process just last year. Maybe he/she can help.

Unfortunately, the standardized test scores are too low for USF admission as well. I don’t know what your family’s financial position is. One option is to look into a CC program that offers an RN program. If you do well and pass the NCLEX, it will be much easier to be accepted into a BSN program in the UC system.