Help Needed - Missing Transcripts

Hello all!

I am applying to UWM for 1st notification period and submitted my application at the end of October.

I just received an email from UWM today saying that my application is incomplete, and if they don’t receive the missing material by Nov 23th, my application will be moved to the 2nd notification period. I called the admission office earlier today and they told me that they didn’t receive my transcripts; however, my counselor did send them through Naviance, and the web says the transcripts are delivered on Nov 1st. I submitted the online form for missing transcripts yesterday but the app status is still requesting transcripts

I am really worried now since I really don’t want to mess up with the deadline and be moved to the later notification period. What should I do to complete the application asap? if my transcripts are sent before Nov 23th but the application status is still not updated at that time (I realize it may take up to 10 days for the admission office to match the documents and update status), will my application still be considered for the first notification period?

Any kind of help is really appreciated!!!

It’s UW- only UWM if Milwaukee when you use abbreviations.

Simple solution- have your HS resend the transcript. Wonder if any Wisconsin schools use Naviance- none I know of. See if your HS can send them directly to UW.

Life happens- not a big deal to miss early notification. If you are at the extremes of applicant credentials you could get an admit/deny answer soon. Otherwise that early answer could just be postponed and you’d be waiting anyhow.


Thanks!! My school uses Naviance and it doesn’t allow resubmission. My GC told me UW should’ve received all my materials, but it’s been 25 days and the status is still not updated. Just wondering if that’s normal…