help needed on tweaking RD college list

<p>hello, a senior here. your help is much appreciated :)</p>

<p>brief stats
SAT 770 CR 800 M 800 W
SAT II 800 Kor 760 US History 760 Math lvl 2 730 Bio-M
GPA 4.0 UW; 4.66 W
AP 5 Bio 5 US History [school only allows 2 APs until junior year, and we only offer 5 total]
Most rigorous course load in school (small private hs)</p>

<p>My ECs are pretty decent ... leadership stuff, a community service [~400 hrs, started a fundraiser project and raised $6600 to fund relief in an African country, journalism internship, extremely interested in philosophy--i do a lot of independent reading/writing papers (6-8 hrs/wk), attended a theology/philosophy camp for 3 weeks this summer</p>

<p>Excellent essays/recs (spent several months on both essays)</p>

<p>Schools applied to so far:
ER U Michigan, accepted [i'm looking into their honors program.. is it a possibility?]
ED Amherst College
RD Emory Scholars program</p>

<p>I don't want to be lazy and wait until my ED decision to start crackin' down on RD apps.. so this is my list so far; it's probably top-heavy but i have a safety already in Umich so maybe it's okay?</p>

<p>Hamilton College
Williams College

<p>Amherst is by far my first choice and it may seem weird that i'm applying to larger schools as well.. but there weren't that many LACs i liked (except Hamilton/Williams). I know i'll probably get rejected by half those schools but hey worth a shot lol. Any suggestions--additions or subtractions are greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>I'm interested in majoring in philosophy, japanese, and french</p>

<p>thanks again</p>

<p>If I had lived in a state with a great flagship university (California, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina...) I wouldn't have applied to any private safeties, so I think it's okay to be top-heavy. I don't really understand what you're looking for, though - there's no real consistency in your list. Are you interested in being in a rual environment? West Coast? Midwest? New England? Mid-Atlantic? I would cut out a few of those schools, mainly because that's just a ton of schools to apply to, and it's a hassle.</p>

<p>thanks. I'm looking more for New England with a few exceptions (Stanford, Gtown, Northwestern). I'll try to cut them but it's kinda hard, because I like all those schools.</p>