Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

Conversation over the phone isn’t document… Payment didn’t clear by 5/1. Something is fishy in the story as it’s hard to believe Purdue would shut them out… Still waiting to see the details on how they will offer a solution…


Whether the payment cleared or not is irrelevant. That is not how payment via E check works. They offered it as an option and most people actually pay that way because there is a fee associated with charging it to your credit card. This is happening and thousands of schools across the country. It’s no different than writing a check at the grocery store and taking your items with you. The grocery store does not instantaneously have that money. If she requested the payment in a timely manner through the channels that they specify which she did then she has accepted their offer of admission.


It does seem odd that she was able to deposit for summer before she was even deposited for standard fall enrollment.

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And they’re not refunding. Seems odd.

Too bad they don’t have a law school. Could be a great pro bono opportunity.

I’d assume if the system is glitching there would be other similar stories.

I do hope it works out tho

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My understanding was that she indicated Summer entry, and paid a deposit for Fall entry. That is the mistake.

I just confirmed with Clemson that they aren’t taking frosh apps, and the NACAC list is incorrect. They are still accepting transfer apps for nearly all majors.


I think that is where the clarification needs to be made. At some schools you pay one enrollment deposit whether you start summer or fall, and many schools give you the option to start summer even if accepted for fall which is what I assume happened here. Even if the website allowed her to choose and pay for summer start without accepting her fall acceptance, which should not have happened if it is a requirement to do so, the telephone call the next day for clarification and being told don’t worry about it just wait two days is reason enough for them to take responsibility.


From the Purdue website:
A nonrefundable $400 deposit will be required at the time you accept your offer. The deposit will be applied toward first-semester fees. The nonrefundable deposit may be paid by e-check or with MasterCard, American Express, Discover or Visa credit cards. Be sure to select the term you were admitted to when paying your deposit.

If you mailed a check… which is basically what a echeck is… you would take the delivery time into account… also it mentions selecting the term you were admitted which in this case was the fall…
Again… what options has Purdue provided?


She paid deposit for Summer and she selected Summer. She did not pay for fall and to clarify if she did it right, she called them.

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I thought I understood the situation, but now this starting to not make sense. So the student meant to sign up for the fall start, but accidentally paid the fee for the summer start session? Okay, well that looks like it was her mistake then, but I agree that Purdue has some responsibility for not providing a response prior to the May 3rd deadline. If she has paid for the summer start, then why can’t she start in the summer? Is Purdue not allowing her to enroll AT ALL (whether it would be to start in the summer or the fall) or do you just not want to have her start in the summer?


In their email to me, they have apologized and accepted that the glitch was in their system and have offered to work with me. They have stated again that they cannot offer fall admission but are willing to discuss future sessions. I sent them an email requesting for a meeting to understand how to find a solution that has minimal impact to my daughter. I am waiting to hear back. All the information that you guys have provided in terms of cost increase, impact of transfer and opportunity loss of future grants has been very helpful as I did not have ability to understand it all.

I do wish that the have a better system and in fact I am willing to work on it as fix it for free for them if they want a better designer. I just don’t want another family to go through this.

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They have offered to refund $400. That is not what we want.

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All are solid options, with the exception of Oregon which doesn’t offer engineering. Oregon State does though.

Of those, Rose, Iowa State and Missouri S&T are all GREAT schools. My sister (who has a daughter at Purdue) chose Rolla and she got into MIT. Iowa State has a great reputation for teaching and has a national lab. Rose is always battling back and forth with Cal Poly for the top ranking in every discipline for engineering programs that don’t offer PhDs.

If it’s Purdue or nothing and starting in a later term is acceptable, then trudge forward. If not, I’d be on the horn with the three schools above. I would not see these as a downgrade. There are many who, for various reasons, would intentionally pick them over Purdue.


Is it possible that this affected more kids than this student? How is it possible Purdue, which has thousands and thousands of students, can not include one more?

“In their email to me, they have apologized and accepted that the glitch was in their system and have offered to work with me.”

So it’s their fault but the student pays the penalty? Purdue really has stepped in it here in so many ways.


If she was admitted for the Fall semester, and paid for the summer, then that’s a mistake in the acceptance of the contract.

Was the person in the admissions office with whom a conversation was held a student worker, or a permanent employee? Did the person who answered the telephone even have the authority to bind the university?

As other posters have suggested, something does not fit together well here. And we are only getting one side of the story; it may be a little more complicated than what the OP is telling us, or it might be a little different if Purdue were telling us their side. I am a little reluctant at this point to place all the blame on the institution.

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Mom says her daughter paid the deposit for summer and selected summer. Purdue’s website says to make sure you select the term to deposit that you were admitted to
(which was fall). What is the exact “glitch” on Purdue’s end that they have admitted to and has it impacted other students?


Well, what you want, and what you may be legally entitled to receive, can be very different things.

You might best be served by moving on from Fall semester enrollment at Purdue, and have your daughter either start in the Spring or go somewhere else for this coming academic year and, perhaps, transfer in at a later time, as other posters have suggested.

A gap year might be another option.

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This is very true. In case I don’t get what I want then I do feel obligated to watch out for others parents who will go through same experience as I did. And it will also make a lot of sense to discuss it with media as well.
This may be something where I can explore a class action as it seems there may be more people going through this.
To be clear, I am not planning to go any of the above routes as Purdue has apologized and offered to find a solution.


Does that mean there are kids who are only admitted for summer start? It sounded upthread like summer start was an option available for all students. Also, who chooses to start their school term in the summer and only stays for the summer? This is a Purdue website issue. If they don’t want kids choosing the summer option then don’t list it as an option until they’ve already enrolled for the fall. They can then go in and choose it as an add-on.

I also blame the admissions person who said it takes 24-48 hours to update. Update what? I buy a dvd on Amazon and I get an instant email. There should be zero delay in receiving a confirmatory email.