Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

When are you being told by Purdue about when their final decision on this will be and what options they will offer? This has been going on for days and another weekend is fast approaching.


OP, I hope this gets resolved soon!

For others reading this who will have students going to college going forward, I’ll throw this out there. We sat with our sons as they completed the online acceptance process. They did all of it – but we wanted to be there in case there were any problems and that all bases were covered (ie, requesting housing, etc.). Neither had much experience with electronic transactions online at that point (this was over ten years ago, and they didn’t even have smart phones yet).

Besides, it was a celebration and rite of passage! Ice cream was involved.

Lest you think we are horrible helicopter parents, we did NOT supervise registration or other bureaucracy once they were in college. In fact, one of my sons didn’t realize he hadn’t signed up for senior year housing til August. He got to deal with the consequences, including the late fee. :wink:


Some of my high school friends attended UT as I did. I saw them very infrequently. You just don’t hang out with old friends the way you think you will. You gravitate to the kids on your dorm hall and in your major.


I have been following the story and this is the most confusing one I have ever seen. I literally went to Purdue website to try to understand what Summer Start admits vs. Summer admits.

Summer admits: traditional summer term

Summer Start admits: Summer Start is a five-week program (July 12 – August 13) for new freshmen. The program aims to prepare students for college who are conditionally admitted to the school.
Who can be in Summer Start?
Students receive an invitation to start during summer as part of the admissions process. Students who are admitted for Fall 2021 may opt to participate in a similar program called Early Start.
So the daughter was admitted to Fall 2021 and can have the option to start early in summer. Then she clicked and paid money. What’s the problem? Does she change her mind not wanting summer anymore? It seems there is no problem. Why did Purdue apologize? I am lost.

Sounds like their system didn’t recognize the summer choice (Purdue’s fault) and so admissions thought the student declined admissions altogether and cancelled the offer after May 1.


I was able to talk to them today. They have offered a future semester. I asked them who has the authority to reinstate for Fall. They have mentioned that the Vice Provost has this authority. I will now reach out to her.

The good news is that there is an option. However it comes at a time cost that I would rather not pay. I asked them if there could be a creative solution that they can offer to help my D start in summer or fall. They have promised to look into the options further.

I am sorry that this has been going on for so long.


I don’t think that at all. I feel that I suck as a parent. I should have been more careful and should not have asked D to save $11 and pay with eCheck. The lesson that I was hoping to teach her was about not wasting money and it fell flat on me.

Absolutely true. I can’t remember which school I called to ask a question last fall, but whoever answered the phone gave me the totally wrong answer. I was googling as we were talking and reading the exact opposite on the university website.

Don’t beat yourself up. We all sometimes fall victim to giant bureaucracies. I hope this all gets resolved and you arrive at a point where you can laugh about it. Wishing you all the best.


D wanted Summer, she picked Summer, She paid for summer. Payment was accepted. Confirmation eMail did not come.

Next day D called to ensure that she picked the course correctly. She was told yes she did, however the website takes 24-48 hours to update.

On Monday D found that she was rejected.

Here is what I think has happened (Purdue will know the real truth)

Software had a glitch, when you pay with eCheck and select summer. The glitch caused delay in payment processing and the payment completed on May 3rd. By that time, system rejected her.

Since D had the screenshot and payment was taken from account and more than one kids had this issue, Purdue accepted that the problem is there in their system.

Why they want to push D’s admission to a future semester - I fail to understand.


I learnt it the hard way.

That’s horse crap. Sorry. You love your kid. You’re doing everything you can for them. You are seeking help. A mistake, somewhere by someone, was made. It sucks. It’s happened before and will again. Every person in this board makes mistakes
and we don’t know that you did. And if you did, yea it sucks but YOU DO NOT SUCK AS A PARENT so don’t think ridiculous thoughts like that. If anything, it’s beyond admirable and impressive as to how hard you are working for a resolution.

If all parents cared as much as you appear to, the world would be a better place. Whether your daughter attends Purdue now, later, or never, while I don’t know you I’m quite confident that you do not suck as a parent !!


Yes I think that is what has happened. I now know that at least two other students faced same issue.

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I agree. I don’t know a teenager understands that unfortunately


Thank you. This is what has been going through from my mind since Monday. I cannot thank the members of this board enough for help, support and fair criticism.

Thank you!

You are being super nice and they are taking advantage. Smh


Again, please don’t take this wrong, but if it was a system glitch, I’d expect it to impact more than 0.04% of the incoming freshmen. There would have to be 75 or so for it just to be 1% of all first time freshmen. Even 1% doesn’t scream systemic problem. My suspicion is that somewhere in the fineprint it said the funds needed to clear by May 1 and the eCheck didn’t. Either that or there is a flaw in the eCheck system and virtually no one used eChecks. If it’s the former, it explains the University’s reticence to budge. Otherwise, I cannot fathom why they wouldn’t.


“I don’t know a teenager understands that unfortunately”

My son did. He went to college with his best friend in HS. They intentionally chose not to room together. It was the best decision they could have made as they both greatly grew their friend groups. They spent very little time together that year.


It has to be either one of the two. I agree. Had the check cleared before May 1st, D would have been in the university.

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