Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

…if done with enough time for the E-check to clear and process.

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It doesn’t say that! I pay a few bills on my due date with an e check and I have never been charged a late fee.


Nope. Doesn’t have to process. You can pay by e check on commitment day.


It doesn’t make sense to focus on the ways an electronic payment was made. Regardless how it was made (via ACH or a credit card), The merchant (in this case, Purdue) verifies the source of payment instantaneously. It should be considered PAID at the instant the system acknowledges the payment, even though the merchant doesn’t receive the payment right away (whether it was paid with a credit card or via ACH).


All the chat on e check aside and what constitutes on-time, I think the OP has to push. But needs plan B. OP do you have plan B as a just in case ??


Was the OP’s student accepted to any other universities in April/March? The enrollment deadline has passed for probably all schools, but if they reach out to those other colleges they were accepted to and explain what happened, they might be willing to let them enroll for the fall.



I’ve made many, many payments to Purdue over the last several years. When you select an offered payment type and provide the requested information, and click OK, the payment is made.

IMHO, discussing e-check payment cycles is not relevant to this conversation.

Accepting for a semester other than the accepted semester is the issue, again, IMO.


Seriously, how can it be that nobody from Purdue admissions reads CC? I can’t believe they have allowed a 286 post “situation” to exists this long with resolving.


Only school I’ve seen address the CC board was u of f

I suspect someone from Purdue has seen this thread. I am not surprised in the least that there is no official communication on the topic through this online forum. Largepublic organizations simply don’t work that way.

286 posts from maybe a couple dozen anonymous online users, maybe a handful of which have a relationship to Purdue, is not going to change the communication, decision, and response between a major university and an applicant.

I certainly don’t know all of the details here. But I can say that over my many years of hearing “this xxx is acting totally irresponsibly, I’ve done everything right and they’re just mean/evil/unfair/etc”, when hearing from the other party, the facts/perspective/story is rarely the same.

Hopefully we will get an update on the promised work something out/resolution soon.


Oh I certainly don’t expect them to address it here. But if OPs story is correct, the I would expect a resolution by now.


Hopefully they do the right thing. No matter who is at fault no one should lose their place over something so minuscule reported timely. But plan b is still needed in case.


I believe the OP said they Purdue was her only acceptance.

And this should not have been an option. The student ONLY should have been given the option of agreeing to enroll and paying for the term(s) to which she got accepted. And yes, I understand that summer is an “option” but it should not have been included in the matriculation for fall term acceptance. Summer should have been separate.


If so, then that’s a problem right there because it suggests to me that the OP’s daughter either applied only to Purdue and was accepted; or applied to only reach schools, with Purdue accepting her, and no safety schools.

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The good news is there’s still time to apply to others. Iowa State was mentioned. I know OP wants to fix this and I hope she does but what if not…what’s plan B?

Honestly I’d have a bad taste in my mouth. And by the time they fix this…Purdue is known for over enrolling and housing freshman far off campus.

Agree. But then I’m not positive that is the case but I could swear I read it somewhere on this thread.

No, AFAIK, she had Purdue as her first choice and thus decided to enroll long ago but when she read about the optional summer start she started researching it to add it to her Fall acceptance thus took a few weeks before she decided on it.
It doesn’t mean it was her only choice.


From post #144

“5. We called again letting them know that we are extremely freaked out as it is May 3rd and my daughters has lost admission on only school she has accepted. We requested them to expedite this review if possible.”

She only accepted admission to one school( correctly). Doesn’t mean she didn’t have any other options/acceptances.