Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

They also suggested that she can consider coming in as non-degree student. That can give her seven credits at Purdue but she will have to pick after everyone else. I don’t know much about the positives or negatives of this. Does anyone know?

Is med school a possibility? If so, I seem to recall some discussions that community college credits aren’t always accepted. Some more knowledgeable contributors on CC might chime-in.

Where would your daughter transfer after a year of community college? Purdue? If so, I wouldn’t mention this in discussions. It gives them an “out” and you’re wanting summer or fall admission this year.

There are several good schools on the NACAC list that might offer merit and a better experience than community college and a transfer.

Students that try to transfer typically don’t get scholarships. Kids who take a gap year and reapply for freshman admission would be eligible for scholarships. Something to consider.

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The CC suggestion actually came from Purdue. They stated that she can join CC at west Lafayette for fall 21 and get seven credits from Purdue as non degree student. D does not want that.

You live out of state, right @deesal .

If your child enrolls as a non-degree student at Purdue, she will not be offered on campus housing, I believe. Consider that.

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Can non-degree students live in dorms? Attend full-time? And if they’ll allow to join as a non-degree student in the fall then why not a regular student. If I’m being honest, at this point I would be put-off by Purdue’s handling and wouldn’t want my kid (or my money) to go to them. I would be spending my time on her other acceptances and seeing if one could be worked for the fall.


Going last in course selection could potentially be a big problem. Popular courses fill quickly and have waiting lists. IMO, that is not a good option at all.

Continue to push to have her start either this Summer or Fall.


Yes, I live out of state and yes they said she will not get campus housing either.

Thank you - will do.


Although it seems like Purdue could easily fix this and is being really difficult, if she wants Purdue and a normal freshman start, it seems like taking the Gap year and the guaranteed spot in summer or fall 2022 (is it guaranteed?) is the best option. She could get a job/internship in her desired field during the gap year, plenty of kids do that even under normal circumstances…


In terms of housing, there are always a ton of students looking to sublet their apartments so finding somewhere to live shouldn’t be that difficult but it’s definitely not the typical freshman experience. Also be aware that Purdue doesn’t allow students living off campus to buy a meal plan.

I did not know about this option till they suggested it. To be fair to them, I had asked them what is it that is possible to get her in Fall 21. I think they tried to find something they can do without offering fall 21 admission.

I also asked them who has the authority to reinstate her for fall session. They told me that Vice Provost has this authority. D is requesting her and the Dean of admissions for help. OP gave heir contacts and I am hopeful that they will do the right thing here.


Good for her.
A normal load is 14 to 16 credits per semester, about 30 for a year.
Moving to Purdue with no housing for 3 courses instead of 4-5?
That offer makes no sense.

If (after you and her talk with Provost) they can’t admit her for summer+ fall or just fall, you need to start calling university #2 from her pre-Apri 29 list of acceptances to see how they react to a hint you daughter could be convinced to enroll there.

We asked the names of the universities because if we’re talking Miami-Ohio or Iowa State, there may be leeway, whereas if we’re talking MIT (easily full) or NYU (super stingy) there’d be none.


That is what D said as well. Thanks for letting me know about the meal plan. I did not know that either.

Thanks for the suggestion. I had talked to her but she said she wanted to start in fall 21. Although Purdue’s communication did not use the word “Guaranteed” but I think that is what they meant when they offered it.

This doesn’t sound like a great offer. I understand your daughter’s reluctance. I’m sure it’s stressful but keep pushing forward. I still think there are some good schools on the NACAC list. I would think there will be more in the future. Also see if she can get on waitlists, especially at the schools she was accepted. Good luck.

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If she wants a traditional freshman experience and can’t wait a year, and Purdue won’t budge, you should contact her other acceptances ASAP.


Thank you, will do.

Ok…I’ll put this out here. I do not know your daughter’s GPA, but you mention her SAT is in the 99%ile. If she has a stellar GPA also, there should have been affordable with great merit colleges on her application list.

I know she doesn’t want to do a gap year, but this might be a good reason to do one…if her HS GPA is high as well. She could craft a list of colleges to apply to and include some where very significant merit aid would not make finances an issue.


I will call other schools to see if she can get on the wait list. This is a good idea and creates options c,d,e…

Subletting an apartment (presumably with older students) for just 7 credits (=2 classes) should not be on the table for a freshman.