Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

Another thing to consider with going to a CC: engineering is heavily sequential. You don’t want your D to take two semesters of CC calculus or physics and then get to Purdue and find out she’s not adequately prepared.


I think what they suggested is 7 credits as non student at Purdue and additional classes at local CC. Sorry for not being clear.

This is a good point. She is doing AP calculus at the high school and it has not been a easy subject at all.

How would she do this? Online Purdue seven credits? Or what. She can’t live in two different states and take in person classes at two different colleges….is this what you mean?

Got it. I read it wrong. Hoping things work out for your daughter!

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I am sorry for not being clear. What Purdue has suggested is that she goes to West Lafayette, joins as non student for upto seven credits in person at Purdue and joins a local community college at West Lafayette for rest of the credits.

Actually, no need for waitlists

  1. some universities where she was previously admitted and offered a scholarship will hopefully be interested in poaching her from Purdue
  2. the NACAC list includes universities that still have scholarships and housing either due to miscalculated yield or due to having space for various reasons (very large, rural…) All you have to do is apply QUICKLY- the list has been up for 2 weeks now and scholarships will all be gone if you don’t move soon.
    If you tell us what Purdue characteristics she likes we can provide you with a culled list of colleges from that list that share some of these characteristics.

She is currently doing research in psychology with a professor. She wanted to pursue it under one of the professors at Psychology department in Purdue. This professor is working on AI and Psychology projects. When she looked at his work, she wanted to join him. That has been the key reason for her to pick Purdue.


This is my concern too. There’ll be a difference between CC rigor and Purdue rigor.
In addition, a max of 11 credits is a real risk of totally upending her STEM sequence.


Thank you, these are very helpful points that I did not think of.

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Could she continue doing that as part of a gap year?

The current “Fall offer” by Purdue really doesn’t add up. It also wouldn’t allow her to do what she wants - join the freshman community and work on research.

Had she been at Purdue, she still would have continued doing the current research as she has been doing it for last 1.5 years. D’s reason for not going for this solution was same that this does not give the freshman experience and relationships that she wants.

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Thank You!

She is captain of girls wrestling team and had a concussion couple of years back and it impacted her GPA. After that, because of Covid, the school stopped giving grades, it was pass/no pass. So unfortunately her GPA is not where her capability is.
I did not follow your point of gap year helping her though.

I’m just throwing this out there: I feel so badly that your daughter is dealing with this disappointing and frustrating situation. This should be the exciting part of college applications…preparing for fall.

However, Purdue’s administration is not acting in good faith nor do I think they intend to: the provost and/or Dean of admissions or students or whoever will not do the right thing by your D. This is a literally a 5 minute event out of their day….they pick up the phone or write an email authorizing the admissions department to enroll your child. Period. I have no idea why they’re dragging this out, making bizarre offers of non-degree credits and CC classes, claiming they’re working on a solution, but this entire situation should have been resolved by close of business Monday, May 3rd. The fact that is now Sunday, May 9th and you’re no closer to a satisfactory resolution says to me you’re not getting one ….at least not the one your D expects. She is a good and honest person and she thinks and expects others will act the same. This is her first tough lesson about how individuals often don’t care about the right result. They care about what they want and what’s expedient for them.


My point is…if her GPA had been as high as her SAT score…she could have taken a gap year. Then she could apply next year to colleges where she might garner very significant merit aid.

But since her gpa isn’t that high…that idea probably isn’t a good one.

Thank you. Now I now know for sure to not pay with eCheck and submit the acceptance way earlier than the deadline.

For my D, all I can do it to fight hard and fight fair and not give up and hope and hope she will not blame me forever for making her use eCheck instead of the credit card and save $11.

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Got it now. Thank you so much.

It sounds to me that Purdue has a really serious capacity issue. I don’t think it’s limited to your D.

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But you shouldn’t have to accept early and use something other than e-check. You accepted before the deadline using one of the payment options provided. Thousands of kids wait till the last minute to accept and pay. AND your D called to check on the enrollment situation the next day….she didn’t just rely on the initial confirmation. She did everything right. Purdue screwed up and instead of rectifying their mistake, they’re acting like a toddler digging in their heels and refusing to do the right thing.