Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

That is why she called them on 30th. They confirmed that was not the case. Other kid who did not get rejected also selected only summer option.

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And that’s the problem. They may have accepted her, but they very clearly do not want your daughter enough to fix their system’s mistake. They should have done it immediately. Like that very same day. No other option is even acceptable. The longer this drags on without you speaking to a backup (and for your D community college isn’t the best backup), the less likely the backup will be available. Purdue is dragging their feet and being very unhelpful. I would be contacting her 2nd choice school where she was accepted tomorrow, and having an app set up and ready to go for a school she didn’t apply to that’s still accepting freshman.


Yes, that is how it should be set up, if summer is an option for fall matriculants.


Exactly! This is what I have been thinking for these days. I just couldn’t understand why the payment setup is so confusing. I felt Purdue has something hidden, not wanting OP to know.

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That is a red flag. The number one thing correlated with success in engineering is facility with math. The math is very cumulative and doesn’t get any easier from where she’s at. She’ll need 3 terms of Calc, DifEQ, linear and even higher maths like tensor calculus depending on her chosen discipline. It won’t necessarily even be called math, but classes like Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Vibrations, Continuum Mechanics, etc. are all stealth math classes. She need to spend some summer hours on Kahn until she gets it cold if she wants to thrive.


How bad can the system be if nearly 8000 students seemed to get through just fine?

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Again, if it was so confusing, how did nearly 8000 kids get through and get enrolled. There isn’t a peep about this on the Purdue thread. There’s more going on here than “the system is bad.” System flaws don’t impact so few people.

Hopefully it’ll work out for the best.

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Probably because most students do not choose to attend college the summer they graduate from high school.


Thanks for the wishes.

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Because 8,000 kids didn’t wait until a few days before the deadline and then choose the summer option that was available on the website and pay by eCheck that didn’t clear on time. The vast majority committed earlier to go in the fall and used an eCheck just fine. A very few students would be caught in this particular situation because most would do things earlier.

This is in no way a alight towards to OPs daughter as she did exactly what the website allowed and even called to check she did the right thing and was reassured she did.

So, it’s easy to see that this “glitch” would not affect the vast majority of the 8,000 students but would certainly affect the select few, or maybe just one, that are caught in this perfect storm of a situation. It’s Purdue’s fault in my opinion and they should be bending over backwards to make this right for this one student.


There isn’t a single piece of large software that’s bug-free. A bug in logic could surface in a relatively rare combination of clicks and keystrokes that the software programmers failed to anticipate. Besides, only a small fraction of Purdue applicants in the world is on the CC Purdue thread. At the minimum, there’s some element of poor desgin in the interface that made the mistake possible.


The system doesn’t have to be an utter failure to have failed this one student. Universities should care about all of their students and their actions here show they have little care for this girl’s future. It’s either one (or few) students and they can make it right fairly easily (and painlessly for themselves) or it’s many students and their system really did have a failure. Unless the OP is seriously misleading us (I don’t think so, but always possible online) then Purdue looks bad any way you slice it imo.


Respectfully, If because of a software glitch, 1 out of 8000 thousand Covid patients dies, would you give the same reasoning?

The system is same level bad in this case, we just have a student’s future that is being killed. The only difference I see here is that in my example above, there would be no way possible to fix the glitch, whereas in my D’s case Purdue’s management team has the ability to fix it but they have not cared enough to do it still.

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After reading yours and other memeber’s take on this offer, i now understand better how this is not a good offer at all.


Call the Provost this morning. Get an answer: can she enroll for summer+fall 2021, or just Fall 2021? Yes-> next steps. If not a yes, assume a no. It’s no longer time for equivocation from Purdue’s part.
Then start calling University#2 from the list of admissions.
I’ll start looking at the NACAC list to offer suggestions wrt “universities similar to Purdue”. Can you remind us of her preferred major?

What’s your budget?
What’s her GPA (will she have grades for Spring 2021 that might increase the GPA)?

BTW I hope the effects of the concussion are now firmly in the past. I’m sorry her school didn’t take that concussion into account and provide accomodations (I’ve seen it for football players or other athletes and it’s always seemed profundly unfair on the concussed student athletes to expect them to keep going “as normal”.)

Also, it’s not due to the echeck - the norm is, if deadline falls on a weekend, next business day is the day the check should clear. Purdue is just using that as a pretext.
They’re probably way overenrolled for Fall (TO+covid rendered all software management systems useless) and have zero space in the dorms so they may be trying to cut their numbers in any way they can.


Just a note on dorm space. Purdue built two new dorms last year and ended up not taking down the dorms they were supposed to replace. They planned for an increase in enrollment.


Thank you for the suggestions.
The school did try to work with us once the therapist put her on a plan, however the timing of the concussion was real unfortunate, it happened when she was in the middle of her finals and by the time we realized the impact of the effects, she had already given her exams. It took a couple of months but she did recover completely.


D sent a message to Vice Provost today morning. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Cognitive Science

:no_mouth::woozy_face: This ISN’T a kid matter. Nor is it an email matter.