Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

This is not something that would go to litigation, and if it did any lawyer would want a 6 figure retainer from her. But regardless, it’s still likely to cost her in the thousands for any attorney, even in Indiana, to negotiate, or consult with as they will still want a retainer and Indiana may require it anyway the minute she signs an engagement agreement as some states do. Attorneys fees add up fast, a phone call, an email, to draft a letter, etc. They don’t come cheap. Hourly rates to “negotiate” and then draw up an agreement as well since it would have to be in writing, who knows if they would also require a confidentiality agreement as well, but it will still be costly.

Bottom line, if she does decide to go that route, she should have all fees spelled out to her with a cap given to her attorney that she is willing to spend. Otherwise before she knows it, she can spend a quick $5k and nothing is close to being resolved. Many people don’t have $5k to just spend like that, especially when financials were something that were a consideration for college in the first place.

One additional point to make when you are speaking with a senior admin is that the international undergrad proportion of students was around 12% this year (down from previous years due to covid). The majority of students in that 12% are from China and India. I don’t know what will happen with covid, but US embassies are still closed in many countries and getting a student visa by august is not going to happen for 100% of those international incoming freshmen. Meaning…there will be space in the fall, unless Purdue is significantly overenrolled for incoming frosh.

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That’s really helpful info, thank you! It does seem like the student chose incorrectly and Purdue can hang the close-out on that (and seems to be). At this point I’m more surprised it hasn’t happened before, since they have another summer option open to all.

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I’ve never seen a Purdue admin post on this site in the 4 years I’ve been here. They are however super active on the accepted students FB page.

The point is that she called on 4/30 to address the possible problem and was told she had to wait 24-48 hours. Totally negligent on the part of whoever made that statement, especially if they knew (which they must have) that the school was already or very close to being overenrolled, knowing it would put them in weekend and May 1 would pass. To me this is the most important factor implicating Purdue.


It did not occur to me. Things on India side are really unfortunate and only getting worse. You do have a point about the impact on travel and hence on students delaying their admission. Those students may decide to pursue the education virtually though.

Even if they take classes virtually (is Purdue even offering a virtual option, outside of Purdue Global school?)…there would be room for another student re: housing and dining. I just don’t believe there isn’t room for one more student…in housing, in dining, in freshman year classes.


They told me on phone that this has happened before but they don’t know what causes it.

Purdue is not offering a virtual option in the Fall.

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Not yet - They may change it if the foreign students can’t come. That section of students pays highest, I guess.

Thank you, I am news to this so all of this information helps immensely.

Has Purdue refunded the deposit your daughter made…in other words, is that money back in your bank account now?

If they are over enrolled that would solve their problem. Also, Purdue made the announcement fairly recently so they were fully aware of the potential visa issues.

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The problem with going to an attorney - as a business, you shut down. So you’d almost eliminate any chance of a positive outcome - meaning a start for your daughter. The legal process, unfortunately, is not quick.

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As an attorney for more than 20 years at both a large global firm and small firms, I have never seen a 6-figure retainer so I think you are saying things that are not true. What I see is someone who could use a savvy negotiator and she could certainly compare costs before retaining a lawyer. Lawyers can give clients an estimate at the outset and most of them genuinely care about their clients and are not out to charge excessive amounts. Could be beneficial to talk to more than one and find a good fit in terms of approach and cost.


Been there. I develop products for enterprises. All of our focus is always on customer’s satisfaction. A problem such as this one would be tagged as a showstopper because it has caused a loss to customer. And even if a single customer sees it we would have been discussion to stopping all shipment till the issue is fixed.

I do understand this it is not a level of customer commitment that I should expect from Purdue.


They offered to, but we requested them to not do that.

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I don’t think you meant this for me.

Exactly. I was thinking of maybe having an attorney not to litigate, but to make the calls/negotiate on the OP’s behalf, to try to get a formal resolution to this process. Was thinking that might cost a few hours of attorney time, which I understand may or may not be what the OP wants to spend.