Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

@Deesal , is your daughter willing to consider any of the colleges that accepted her but whom she said no to, if they still have room?

Also, has she looked at University of Arizona, which is still accepting applications for Fall (their deadline is June 1) and which gives good merit money.

Also I believe that the University of Alabama at Huntsville has a lot of high-achieving STEM kids and they are also still accepting applications until June 1 for this fall.

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Are you a litigator? My husband is an attorney and I know this for a fact from seeing how litigators work that those who plan to go to trial in big expensive cases that they will indeed ask for a 6 figure retainer.

I’ve also seen this occur in many divorces in my area unfortunately.

You’re right, she can use a savvy negotiator, but that will still cost her $$$.

Honest question – do you see a realistic path to the desired outcome (fall 2021 start) from the OP continuing what she is doing on her own? I see almost no signs of hope from Purdue’s response thus far.

Or, do you think that bringing in a lawyer to support her in negotiations (NOT to immediately sue) would cause Purdue to rescind their proposed solution of a fall 2022 start?

From my view, I see very little downside to bringing in legal help and at least a glimmer of potential upside that is not there currently.


IMO, OP should wait until they can talk to someone in authority, someone who can make Fall happen. That is not a senior associate AO.

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After hearing all the advise today, I called Purdue and requested to talk to Vice Provost. I am just sitting waiting for her call.


Well wish you worked on the medial EHR, medical record soacw4. This is not the case
 They work through the problem not closing or out. Good Luck.

Yes, I have been litigating since 1997. If Purdue were in my state I could recommend exceptional and affordable lawyers, but I am not in Indiana.


I apologize if I am repeating something someone else already suggested. I am overwhelmed by the large size of this thread.

One thing that I have wondered about is if Purdue would offer a guaranteed start at some later time. Either a gap semester or a gap year might be an option, or perhaps taking one or two semesters of courses at a community college followed by a guaranteed transfer to Purdue. Even if they do not have room now, they will have room in the future.

You could see how the conversation goes before deciding whether to ask about this.

I believe the OP said that Purdue already offered that.

Even though you’re not asking me this question, IMO we only know the OP side of the story. No one really knows what really happened as it all is quite frankly confusing. If every is true the way it happened it’s so bizarre that it only happened to the OP’s daughter and it makes no sense that Purdue wouldn’t just make the fix for one kid. I am trying hard not to doubt the story, but again we don’t know Purdue’s story. I think considering the kid screwed up, it’s pretty graceful at all that Purdue is even offering her a spot in next year’s class. I think somewhere upthread they offered her a spring start and OP daughter declined. Personally if it were my kid after this experience, I wouldn’t even want my kid at a school treating her this way if it were their fault and if you go the legal route then what does that mean for the kid going forward? If Purdue goes on a limb and lets her in for this fall and the kid bombs out, then how does that look? Purdue is HARD. Bottom line.

I would just have my kid make a fresh start and move on.

Friends or not. My kids both went to colleges without their friends and my last one is about to do that too. It just is how things are in life.

@mom270 Surprised being a litigator then that you haven’t ever seen a retainer in the 6 figures especially if you’ve been practicing for 20 years, especially at large firms. Maybe it’s the type of litigation perhaps, who knows? But regardless, the point of this all is that going the legal route and filing any kind of legal matter against Purdue if it were to come to that is not a good move financially or for her daughter’s future. I think that’s something most would agree with. If she could get an attorney to mediate on her behalf maybe that would help, however, the minute they hear attorney calling then it’s most likely they will close up shop and the risk would be they rescind any offer of future admission to her she’s currently holding.

Thanks for the suggestion. There was a lot of advise that came in yesterday, Other Parents have advised me against this option.

The question then is why doesn’t the system either flag the error and/or send an email saying you weren’t properly registered? This may have initially been the D’S mistake but the fact that the Purdue admissions employee didn’t take the time to confirm the D’s situation is an error on their part. If they had then the D would have simply reregistered on April 30 before the deadline. What’s the point if calling if the person manning the phones is incompetent?


It’s not worth continuing this discussion about legal fees with a non-lawyer.

I will say to the OP, I think the point of hiring an experienced attorney would be to have someone with knowledge and experience look at the facts, talk to an administrator or attorney at Purdue and see if a satisfactory resolution can be achieved through a few phone calls or letters. I am not suggesting you file a lawsuit or or take this to the Supreme Court. Good luck!


:100: :point_up_2:

No way I’d be giving a dime of my money to a college that treated my kid this way. The LEAST they can do is speak to you on the phone and tell you point blank that they do not intend to let your D do a fall 2021 start, under any condition. This would be the ultimatum you need to decide to pursue legally or walk away.

Too much time has lapsed and the issue has not been solved. At this point they are merely stringing you along, playing phone tag - hoping you’ll give up. Meanwhile, your daughter’s chances elsewhere are slipping away. Time to cut loose, have a frank conversation with your daughter about other college opportunities.

I’m sure Purdue is a great school, but not worth 10 days of rigmarole.


I don’t agree that she screwed up. She accepted an option provided, called next day to confirm and was told that everything she did is accurate.

To be fair, I agree that there should be more to Purdue’s side of story but I do not agree that she screwed up.

I’d also agree that I should not have tried to save $11 but I don’t think that too was a screw-up.

Regarding why to keep trying with this school after this experience - IMHO - One thing I don’t want my daughter to feel ever is that she was on the right and I did not bat for her.

(My apologies for slow responses - I am only allowed to post once in 10 minutes.)


Hiring a lawyer and threatening to sue aretwo different things. Many times a lawyer is hired to work something out before a lawsuit. Sometimes lawyers get responses that others do not. I don’t think having a lawyer is a bad idea but there’s a lot of things a lawyer could accomplish without resorting to a lawsuit.

There are ways to get attention on social media without putting your name out there. There was a question about financial aid in one thread and an unrelated person tweeted the dean of admissions who responded with his personal contact info. In these days of Covid, many people are working remotely so it is not as simple as calling the main number and getting your phone call transferred often times.

One thing to nail down if she does decide to enter at an alternative time, not only confirm that her financial package is intact if any but also that she will or will not be allowed to take classes elsewhere. Often times if you are offered a delayed entry you are still considered a freshman and are prohibited from taking classes other places, which would turn you into a transfer student and could affect your admission or financial aid.


I think it is very clear that you have gone to bat for her and if I were your daughter I would be so impressed and grateful.

Nonetheless, she still needs a college to attend in the fall if she doesn’t want to take a gap year. I think it would also be good to model resilience and flexibility in the face of a stubborn bureaucracy and, in a parallel process, also pursue alternative colleges where she would be happy. Except for the colleges with June deadlines, every hour/day that you delay means fewer and fewer options, as those colleges finalize their own acceptances.

I think you can pursue both paths simultaneously, and that is also a good lesson to impart, IMHO.


To be fair, she did not follow the instructions. Purdue clearly says to deposit for the term in which you were accepted. She did not do that. Depending on what she said to admissions the next day, the person she spoke with may not have been clear that she was admitted to Fall term, not summer, especially since it sounds like your D was confused herself.

I still am praying that it works out for your D and the provost reinstates her for Fall '21. Hopefully the provost calls you today.


To all my friends on this threads. Thank you so much for your advise and support.

I just finished a call with Purdue. She has just been reinstated!!!

(For fall 2021)



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