Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

It isn’t fine print. Its front and center on the deposit page, and the university did reinstate this student when they spoke to the appropriate person.

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@deesal so glad to hear of the great outcome. You persistence was impressive.

Not to inject anymore legal discussion into the thread but I would note one thing. In many states recording a telephone call without the consent of the other party is a felony. I am lawyer in PA who does medical malpractice cases. I have had a few cases that I had to turn down because a potential client had recorded either an in person or telephone conversation with their doctor without telling the doctor they were recording the conversation. I had to turns down the cases because in discovery the doctor’s lawyer would undoubtedly ask if the plaintiff had any recordings related to the matter. Once that happened plaintiff would have to produce the recording and could be subject to criminal charges. Thus I had to turn the case down as I am not willing to subject my clients to potential criminal charges in a civil case.

All that said is as a word of warning. Before you records any conversations you need to make sure it is legal in your state to do so without the consent of the other person or alternatively get the consent of the other person.

Again congratulations on a great outcome for you daughter.


It doesn’t matter. The fact that the student was admitted to fall was available to the software, and it should have only displayed choices that are valid based on that fact. This is software development 101. You are not filling out a paper form, you are filling out a form on a web site. It is supposed to have logic behind it. If it displays certain choices then it is reasonable for a human to assume that those choices are displayed based on your particular situation, and any of those choices are equally valid. It turns out that one of those choices confirms your acceptance into your dream school and the other subtracts one year from your life. When you have that kind of consequences, not incorporating basic validation logic into the web site is extremely flawed design.


No reason to debate further. The OP’s child was
ultimately admitted to Purdue and congratulations are in order.


We had same concern that if D has selected the wrong term. She had called next day to ensure that she took correct steps.

Regarding software design, I have some experience there so I would like to say that this is an opportunity for Purdue to improve the interface and to fix the issues that caused this glitch. Ideally, they need to get the software company responsible for this design and get it fixed ASAP. Or they have one of top computer science departments, this should be a case study for that department’s UI design professors.


I do have a different question. Because of this issue D missed May 5 deadline to request campus housing. Purdue was kind enough to put her in the wait list but it is not sure if she will get housing. What should be our options?

I would have admissions contact housing to explain the situation - and let them spearhead it - but stay on top of them. That’s option #1.


Thank you so much, one cannot be too careful. If I record a conversation because I want to listen to it again later and I have no intentions to use it any other way. Is that also illegal?

Yes that’s illegal. Some states only require one party consent though, so it depends on your state.

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Most states allow conversations to be recorded if one party consents.


Indiana’s wiretapping law is a “one-party consent” law. Indiana makes it a crime to record a telephone conversation unless one party to the conversation consents. See Ind. Code § 35-31.5-2-176 and Ind. Code § 35-33.5-5-5. Therefore, you may record a telephone conversation if you are a party to the conversation or you get permission from one party to the conversation. That said, if you intend to record conversations involving people located in more than one state, you should play it safe and get the consent of all parties. In-person conversations do not appear to be covered by the law, but it cannot hurt to get consent before recording just in case.

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It’s very likely her recording was perfectly legal – 38+ states (including all of the Midwest) and federal law permit someone to record a call to which they are a party!


Looks like Illinois is a two party consent state for some things but one party for electronic communications?

Maybe just take good notes going forward rather than secretly recording someone. Although the main issue thankfully seems to have been resolved at this point anyway .

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On terms of housing I would ask your contact to get in touch with the housing office and reinstate her housing status.


Thanks for that correction – I’d seen that in 2014 the IL Supreme Court found their original recording prohibition unconstitutional, but I missed that a law later passed allowing it except when the parties are “reasonably justified in expecting the conversation to be private.”

Sounds like something for lawyers to debate, but either way it’s not clear that IL law would apply if the other party were in Indiana. I know the idea of being unknowingly recorded on the phone makes people uncomfortable, but it’s legal for more than two-thirds of Americans, so they should at least be forewarned.

Anyway, very glad it all worked out for the OP! I’d just wanted to point out that savvy negotiators often intentionally shift disputes/discussions to phone calls to avoid creating clear documentation of what was discussed, allowing them to later deny saying something or claim the other person misunderstood them. I’m glad that’s not what happened here!


This is what D did and housing office informed her that she has missed the deadline. They offered to put her on the waitlist but informed that probability of getting campus housing is low.

How ridiculous. Hopefully the provost you spoke with can do something, because this is a consequence of their screw up.


Again…I would get in touch with the person who reinstated your daughter’s admission ASAP and ask him/her to intervene and reinstate her housing status as well.


Thank you. Already done that today morning. So far it did not help. But we are following up again.

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We have reached to provost’s office and will follow up again today. Thank you for your help! I appreciate it.