Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

I would tell them that your D should be restored to the same status (acceptance + housing) she would have had if this situation had never occurred.


I also would go back to the Provost and ask to have the housing status re-instated.

In the meantime, Iā€™d join the admitted students FB group and start looking for sublets just in case. Look in the Chauncey area so itā€™s an easy walk to campus. Some of the Chauncey apartments are closer than some of the dorms. Donā€™t let too much time pass on this.


So glad to read this! Hope the housing works out!


Indiana is one party consent and thatā€™s where the only party who could complain was

I just wanted to thank all of the users here and update them with the current status. As you guys suggested (Thanks to @happy1, @creaky and @momofboiler1 ) D had reached out to Vice Provostā€™s office for housing.
Purdue allowed her to apply for housing.
Purdue has also allowed her to Pursue Summer start.
I thank all of you for your friendly advise and I also thank Purdue to reinstate her and reinstate all of the options that she had lost on because of the glitch.


So so happy it all worked out!!! Thank you so much for circling back and letting us know.

Boiler up!!!


Thank you for letting us know - and Purdueā€™s higher ups really stepped up after the bad early encounters. You and her also did a great job advocating for her and in being respectfully persistent, skills sheā€™ll be glad she learned (even if she might have wanted to learn them in other circumstances, at another age. :p)


Great news! Thanks for letting us know.


They admitted itā€™s a glitch on their side?
How is this not a major law suit?

Lawsuits tend to be complex, time consuming ordeals.

In this case, even though a level of distress was caused by the University, the University took the time to fix the mistake.

Therefore, the lawsuit is not worth it. Why would OP pay thousands for a lawyer if the issue has been resolved?


Youā€™re suggesting a ā€œmajor law suitā€ for one student who they admitted?


I received incorrect change at a store yesterday due to miskeying my payment and had to ask the clerk to correct it.

Class action?


There will always be litigious people out there. Glad this family seems to be moving on and looking forward to Purdue.


I hadnā€™t read that there was a resolution and that D was reinstated when I commented.

D did nothing wrong ā€¦. She accepted the offer and paid. She never received a confirmation and responsibly followed up the next day (still before the deadline) and was told not to worry.

Next thing you knowā€¦ sheā€™s rejected.

If this happened to my daughterā€¦. Yesā€¦MAJOR pushback would ensue. Whatever it tookā€¦even if legal action involved.
Your idea of major and mine may differā€¦ but to me what happened is absolutely egregious! Especially when the student did everything right AND the University admits to a glitch!!
No excuses. This never should have happened and should never have taken so long to resolve.

Purdue should even pay for the summer session as retribution or at least refund the deposit.

Shame on them.

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Againā€¦. NOT suggesting a lawsuit now. I wrote that when I believed that the University was still refusing to reinstate D for Fall session. Glad it was resolved appropriately. But this should NEVER have happened ā€¦ā€¦
And I do feel they owe the student something for what they put her through.

Clearly, the school wonā€™t do anything, and the student is so relieved to be reinstated, she wouldnā€™t dare say a word. But she was mistreatedā€¦. Very much so!!

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This is a very good summary and I think Purdue was very kind in offering a spot for the Spring.

Purdue reinstated this student for this coming Fall.

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My husband and I are Purdue Alums, our oldest daughter is also an alum and our youngest was accepted class of 2024 but declined. The information and constant emails Purdue sends prior to decision day is very informative. I am not sure of the particular facts around this issue but waiting until the last minute to accept right before a weekend is probably not the best. This situation happens to students applying to colleges and as expected glitches do happen around deadlines and sometimes the colleges accept applications and sometimes they do not. If your daughter, click the wrong session and locked her out of fall regardless of the deposit the system would drop her from fall enrollment. I do not think going on Twitter, getting the news involved will make a difference since apparently they had a huge volume of students who did accept their offer prior to deadline.

IMO, there is nothing at all wrong with accepting right before the deadline, even at 11:55 p.mā€¦


Youā€™re missing a few facts but to bring you up to speed in the end the school did the right thing and reinstated her.


I followed your beautiful logic until the second to last paragraph.

The girl, in good faith, registered and set up payment for Purdue. She decided to say yes to the special option of the summer program.

When she realized something seemed off and that it might not be crystal clear that her intention was to attend Purdue in the fall, she contacted Purdue who appeased her and reassured her to sit tight, only to conveniently deny her admission after the fact.

Purdue admits they erred. They must fix their mistake.

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