Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

From all you’ve written it appears to be Purdue’s snafu. So sorry you and your D have to deal with such a stressful situation. Hope Purdue steps up and does the right thing ….and a little free swag would be in order as well! Good luck to your D!

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Let me preface this by proffering my ignorance with regards to echecks. My wife pays all of our bills, I haven’t written a check in 20 years, and I’ve never used an echeck.

Is a 4-day delay with an echeck common? Is a 2-day delay? (By delay, I mean the time between when the echeck transaction is started and when it is finalized on your bank account).

If it is widely known that an echeck submitted on 4/29 would not be fully processed by 5/1, then you may not have a leg to stand on in this instance.

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I don’t think there is a delay, I pay my bills from my checking account online, but when I realize that today is the due date, I instead pay by echeck with the bank’s routing number and my account number, and it’s accepted that day.

E-checks generally aren’t instant. They’re like real checks. Funds have to be verified and transferred from one institution to the other. Credit cards are instant because no fund verification is required.

The issue is that it may show you’ve “paid” but that doesn’t equate to process/funds transferred.

If the school didn’t want to accept echecks, it wouldn’t. It is no different than if you went up to the window at the bursar’s office and handed them a check for the amount due. That money isn’t in the university’s account immediately either, but they still consider that you’ve paid on time.

I’m not understand the issue anymore. The daughter wanted the summer start, picked the summer start, paid for the summer start, and somehow the deposit wasn’t processed. That’s on the school. The echeck didn’t bounce, she has the receipt, and the money was processed out of the bank on May 3. In order for the bank to move the money out by May 3, the ‘check’ had to be presented by May 2 (but since that was a Sunday, most likely presented to the paying bank on May 1). OP’s bank can probably tell her when the ACH was processed (request for the funds). The ACH pending info is often on the account sheet for days before the actual pay date (you paycheck, the IRS refunds, automatic payments for your car insurance).

I’m not understanding what the school says is wrong.


School First said that they don’t have any information of the payment that my daughter made. I provided them the screenshots. I also provided them proof that money was taken from my account

They then said, there seems to be a glitch in the system and that they will review the case. They said it may take weeks. We requested to expedite it because my daughter’s future was at stake. We called them about it multiple times.

The sent an email later on May 3, that they have reviewed the case and they have decided to not reinstate as they don’t have a slot and that they are returning the money to us.

I do the same thing. That is why when I noticed a charge of extra $11 for credit card, I asked my daughter to use the eCheck instead. I now wish that I would have been smarter. I ended up giving up my kid’s future to save $11.

I did call the bank and checked, Purdue did not present the check to my Bank till May 3rd. It was cleared immediately when presented.

I think Purdue’s internal system had some sort of error that caused delay in the check processing

OP- you are going to feel MUCH better- and likely be more effective- if you dial it down. And I say that with respect. You have not given up your D’s future to save $11, this is not catastrophic, you are letting your hysteria get the best of you.

If you spent half as much time coming up with plan B as you have calling the bank, calling the school, getting agitated- you’d be a much better place.

So focus. What is plan B if your D can’t start at Purdue right away and has to take a semester off? They aren’t going to put her in jail for pressing the wrong button so relax.


Thanks you so much. I am new to this board and I cannot be thankful enough for the support that I have received.

When I started this thread, I did not even know when to do. The suggestions and support kept me going.

Most of the parents have tried to get clarifications and have offered to help. I don’t stress about the negative comments, I do read through them and where I can provide accurate info I provide where I can. In a way this will help me record things accurately in case I end up in a legal situation.

I could have gone to wide social media but am deciding to avoid that because Purdue has already sent a note accepting their mistake and have changed their stance from “refusal to reinstate” to “Willingness to find a solution”. I will update rest of the parents once I talk to them to review what they have to offer to resolve the situation.


Thank you for your kind words. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Willing to find a solution? You’re in great shape! Go have ice cream with your D and think about something else for a few days until this is resolved!!!


You should look at the nacac list of schools still taking apps. Btw if they won’t let your daughter attend how can they keep yourv$$. Makes no sense

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Thanks for your note - for past few days, I have been scared, freaked out and extremely worried. I am fortunate that the invisible friends in this group kept me going. I was worried about about my daughter’s mental health after she read Purdue’s response and felt helpless.

Regarding plan B, that is a good point. One option is community college I think. I am going to talk to Purdue and hopefully have a solution.

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I don’t know a lot about the eChecks. All I know is that I called the bank and they confirmed that money is sent.

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You can see schools here still taking apps. You might find one willing to give you a great deal as they need butts in seats. Could be apart of plan B.


Thank you.

That said u should prob talk to an attorney or state board. Maybe first higher ups at school.

I don’t get how they’d keep your $ And debt you

But you need to work a parallel track so your daughter can have a four year experience she deserves if you can find a fit.

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Is this list accurate…Clemson is still on it ?

Guess certainly worth a phone call to see.