Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

Freshman fall app closed 5/1 (the only exception I’m aware of is the Department of Forestry, which I think closes 6/1); the transfer app is open until 7/1.

One thing I’ve asked and still hasn’t been answered is where is the school college counselor in all of this? She/he should be advocating in all of this and helping your daughter and contacting the AO at that represents your school at Purdue.

I also haven’t seen anyone else anywhere in any Purdue board mention having any problems. It sounds like your daughter has the summer program and should just take that. Is she not enrolled in that any longer?

My son was continuously getting emails from Rose Hulman (also in indiana) Institute of Technology that kept extending their application deadline. Perhaps your daughter should look there.

Keep up the good work. I know it will work out well. Your daughter is watching you and will gain so much experience from your firm and professional persistence. Best wishes.


Yeah, from a follow-on by the OP it seems summer is actually what the daughter wanted, but she ended up not enrolled in any term/any way at all. I don’t understand exactly what happened but I hope they can fix it for them!

I’m still confused as ever on what really happened, despite all the updates. Hope for a good resolution soon and that media, legislators, lawyers, etc. do not have to get involved! That could follow you and your daughter in ways I don’t think you intend or would want. Good luck!


This sounds really unfair. I wish you and your daughter the best on her college journey!


Our school counselors have never done anything like that, and we don’t have a specific counselor who just does college stuff. The counselors each have 450 students in all grades that they’re responsible for. Perhaps OP’s school is also like that.


I did reach out to the counselor. They asked me escalate it up the Purdue management chain.


Good move. Hope it works out for your daughter. She shouldn’t be penalized for their error!

I agree…my kids counselors have zero involvement in anything other than us pushing them to get in the mid year recs. They don’t counsel, at least if not requested.


I believe that an echeck is your instruction to your bank to generate a personal check and mail it out to the recipient. I had a tenant whom I finally had to evict, because she just couldn’t understand that a planned instruction to her bank to mail out an echeck on the last allowed grace day (which then had to be generated, go through the mail, be deposited, and clear, and at any point along the way it could be cancelled by the tenant) was NOT the same thing as paying her rent on time. I’ll never forget her proudly showing the housing court mediator how she had scheduled for her bank to send out a check on the last possible grace day (ten days late) for the next month, and him exasperatedly saying to her, “That is not payment. That is a promise to pay. You need to actually PAY, on time, or they will be able to finish the eviction!” Sure enough, she did the same thing the next month - requested from the bank an echeck on the last possible grace day, and we evicted her for non-payment of rent. Her payment arrived… 5 days after she’d been evicted.

It’s obvious that a student could stave off the decision by accepting at more than one school on the last day, reporting that they had requested an echeck be sent that day to each of the schools, and then cancel the checks at the schools they decide not to attend.

Of course this was not your intention! But the school is dealing with thousands of students. They have to set a limit. The line in the sand was acceptance and money, before the end of the day on May 1st. Your money was not in their coffers by the end of the day on May 1st. The check probably wasn’t even yet in the mail.

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E-checks are electronic (no paper check) but they’re not an instant payment. If payment must be received by May 1 then either Purdue should stop offering e-checks or have a big warning that they shoudn’t be used for payments made after a certain date.


What you describe is online banking and is not the same as an e-check.


What I have pieced together, from the OP’s postings, is that the daughter wanted to commit to Purdue. Purdue had a pop up for one of their “head start on college” type programs for this summer. Daughter made the mistake of delaying her commitment while she evaluated the summer program. She decided she wanted that too. On the second to last day, she checked the box to enroll in the summer program. In order to avoid fees associated with paying by credit card, they paid by requesting that the bank generate an echeck to be sent to Purdue to cover the deposit (seems like a deposit for the summer program). No confirmation received, so the next day, May 1st, the daughter called admissions and said that she definitely wanted to commit to enroll at Purdue, for both regular admission for the fall, and for the summer program. She wanted to make sure that the money (a check that the bank probably hadn’t even generated yet, let alone transferred) would be applied to complete the commitment to enroll at Purdue. Admissions office told her to sit tight… and by Monday, the deadline had passed, and she had missed her chance to commit to enroll at Purdue.

If this is the case, Purdue is only slightly at fault, because whoever answered the phone should have told the young woman, "In order to guarantee your spot at Purdue, we need both a commitment AND a credit card payment or wire transfer payment for the deposit, today! But very few people realize that echecks are not transfers. It can and often does take 5 days before the funds are actually in the recipient’s account.

It’s really sad. I feel so bad for this kid. But the more that I hear about what happened, the more I realize that Purdue was not in the wrong here. And now they’re over-enrolled, never going to go to the wait list, so even if they were to put her first on the wait list, they won’t be taking her for this fall. Unfortunately, her best option is probably to continue to work with the admissions office, probably enroll at a community college whose classes they will accept, and hopefully transfer there in January.


They’re in the wrong if they offer e-check as a form of payment for deposits on their website. If they want instant payment then it should be credit card or nothing. Even wires do not guarantee instant payment.


Very good points and I agree to most of it except that there were never going to be a check in mail. It was electronic transaction, I did call the bank and confirm.


@deesal , was the e-check:

  1. Where you put in your account information into Purdue’s web site, so that Purdue effectively has “received” the “check”, although it may take time after that for funds to transfer, or
  2. Where you put the instruction to pay Purdue in your bank’s web site, so that Purdue only “receives” the “check” after your bank electronically transmits it, and the funds may take additional time to transfer


Note that #2 will be slower than #1, both in terms of the recipient “receiving” the “check” and the recipient actually getting the funds.

No, that’s not the same thing.


My sons school doesn’t accept CC for enrollment and uses option #1. If Perdue wants instant payment they should not accept the electronic check.

I got an email confirming enrollment after putting in my banking info, but it took 2 days for the funds to be taken from my acct.