Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

OK, but do they have a policy of not accepting echecks for enrollment. At Michigan they don’t accept it for e enrollment. As suggested you really should be speaking to the head of admission. Get it pushed up the chain today. There are emails listed for these people also. Then follow up with phone calls today.

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Ok, I recommend you ask that person for a date by which this will be resolved. And if it’s any more than 24-36 hours, I would ask why extra time is needed.


I think this is the lesson for everyone here. For something time sensitive, use a credit card.

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I don’t understand where basic human compassion went in this admissions office. Obviously the OP’s daughter did what she could within the system available to her and by the deadline. This should be a simple matter of the school’s management behaving in a humane way by reassuring the family that they will honor the acceptance and deposit that their own system failed to process correctly.


I have nothing new to add here except I am SO sorry you are all dealing with this! The admissions process is stressful enough. I am a bit flabbergasted that Purdue didn’t offer you an immediate solution when they admitted it was a glitch on their end that they knew about. Sounds like they overenrolled and you are paying the price. I would continue to fight and push back until they clarify what their solution is.


Same personality and same response :joy:. And I am a lawyer - would not be waiting to hear back and would escalate to at a minimum the Dean of admissions with a deadline for response. I’m confused why fall keeps getting mentioned. She was offered summer start and researched it and accepted summer start, which would mean that she would continue on to the fall.


Not a lawyer, and not aggressive, and would definitely be escalating to higher ups asap!


She seems to have picked summer instead of fall and that’s where all the problems started . Usually these summer early programs are add ons to those who have already committed to the standard fall start and have paid the deposit for fall . When she did not pay a deposit for fall , the system kicked her out. At least that’s my take on it but I could be misinterpreting this whole thing. Hope it gets resolved soon!

Even if overenrolled. I dont get how one more student is an issue. What if this did not happen. Her D would be enrolled and part of the over enrollment anyway. I would be so upset that my child would have no place to go. What about other schools that she got accepted to. Could she call them and see if they still have room and can make an exception, or does she only want Purdue


Last year’s freshman class was 8,250 students. Adding one more wouldn’t be noticed.


Operating under the precepts of contract law, if there is a “mistake” made here, wouldn’t it be a unilateral mistake on the part of OP/her daughter? If so, then the black-letter law suggests that the OP/her daughter may be out of luck, because a unilateral mistake standing alone, in the absence of fraud, usually does not justify contract reformation. Perhaps a refund of the deposit may lie under a theory of equitable relief, but I am dubious about legal relief based on a unilateral mistake based on what I have read about the facts. See, e.g., "RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF CONTRACTS §§ 152, 153.


Then the school shouldn’t offer an e-check option after a certain date.

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This isn’t going to end up being decided in court.


Clemson is still on the NACAC list and still taking applications for frosh and transfers.

And Clemson has a very good college of engineering.

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I’m hoping this gets resolved in a suitable manner but this thread should be pinned for future reference. “Why waiting to the last minute can be a bad thing”.

I told S21 I wanted his decision the Monday before May 1st because of Murphy’s Law. He looked at me like I was crazy. Luckily his acceptance went smoothly. However, his Honors acceptance not so much. He had to sweat a little and make phone calls. It worked out. Hopefully he learned a lesson.

Good luck to OP.


Arizona, Iowa State, Rose Hulman, Kentucky, Michigan State, Colorado, Marquette, Oregon, and WVU are also on the NACAC list. St. Olaf too. Might be worth a phone call for a plan B. Might also get scholarship money.

Add Missouri Rolla to the list of schools for engineering.


Yes so your daughter can still get a great experience you need to dial plan

What mistake did she make? She clicked summer intentionally and paid the deposit in the manner indicated. She then called to confirm that the deposit has been received, and the person told her not to worry about it but to give it 48 hours. The only other thing that she could’ve done differently on her end is to drive to Purdue and hand them the enrollment deposit in cash.


Clemson has said they are full and not going to the waitlist. Possibly Jan admit available per the CC Clemson thread.

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