help needed

<p>With the RD deadline coming up tomorrow, I'm worried about the length of my longer essay. Right now it's around 700 words. Is that too long? What is an acceptable range to be in? 100 words over? Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I really appreciate it!</p>

<p>700 words is too much. 550 might be a comfortable limit to go by, but i still think 600 might be a little much.</p>

<p>umm, if it’s not too late, i would definitely recommend trying to trim it down a considerable amount. if at all possible, i would try to definitely get under 600 and ideally 550.</p>

<p>It depends on your essay. If you feel your essay is excellent at 700 words, then keep it like that. However, if you can, try to cut out words while still retaining the same effect and meaning of the essay</p>

<p>My essays were 700 and 600 words long, and I got in. Don’t worry about length… just make sure they’re good!</p>

<p>I got in. Mine was 1,200 words. Write til you feel comfortable.</p>